A Clean Physical Appearance

Whether you like it or not, people are often judged based on appearances. And there's overwhelming evidence that supports the theory that a clean physical appearance is more attractive to most people (including potential dates as well as potential employers) than an unkempt, messy appearance. This certainly doesn't mean you have to be a supermodel or have incredibly chiseled abs to get ahead in this world. However, a certain amount of attention to how you look will most likely garner you the positive attention that you look for both professionally and personally.

But what exactly is a "professional look?" For both men and women, it simply means a neat appearance. Men should have shaved faces, or very neatly trimmed facial hair. If you have a beard or a mustache it should be groomed as neatly as possible. And fellows, although shopping may not be your favorite activity, sometimes it is a necessary evil. A few nice pairs of dress pants, wrinkle free shirts, and a polished pair of shoes just might be the ticket to the high paying job you've been aiming for. And if you're going for that interview, by all means take a shower beforehand. Who wants to work with the stinky guy?

Women are well aware of how much a nice appearance matters. They will spend money on a good hair cut as well as products that smell good. And even women who operate on limited budgets know the importance of decent clothes. Again, this isn't about being a supermodel. But the fact of the matter is that people who have a well-groomed appearance will most likely get the job, the promotion, or the date rather than the person who doesn't look as tidy and is going for the same goal.

Although we don't like to admit it, many of us judge others based on appearances. Again, this doesn't mean going on a crazy shopping spree and trying to make yourself into something you're not. All it means is that you should take pride in how you appear in the mirror, because others see that as your way of portraying confidence. And being confident in all types of situations, whether they are professional or social, is never a bad trait to have.

Air Pollution Issues

We live in a high tech world filled with modern conveniences. We have mass transportation, including busses, cars, and airplanes that take us wherever we want to go. However, all of this technology and convenience comes with a price - air pollution. The fumes and the chemicals they often emit can do some serious damage to our lungs and our bodies. It is more important than ever to decrease our risk of illnesses related to pollution.

Many people have made it a mission to reduce their carbon footprint on the world. Some people invest in electric cars as a way to reduce their impact on the environment. Others decide to forgo owning an automobile at all. They may rely on their bikes or their own two feet to get around town and to and from work. Many cities in the United States have decided to become more bike friendly by putting bike lanes in on roads and encouraging residents to tool around town on two wheels. These might seem like small advances, but the more people that join the movement the better it is for our environment.

Countries that are primarily industrial are the ones who are responsible for much of the damage to the air and water supplies. This is because of the byproducts that are produced from making any number of products - including paints, machinery, and yes, even technology such as computers and smart phones. One of the most notoriously polluted places in the world is China - the smog there is toxic and can make it difficult for people to catch their breath.

People who have certain medical conditions are affected even more strongly. Conditions such as asthma or other breathing related health issues can make it almost impossible for adequate oxygen intake. Add in smog and particulates from engine exhaust and you have a recipe for disaster.

As more and more people are starting to become personally affected by the toxins circulating in our environment, green technology is becoming more available. Scientists and engineers from around the world are leading the way to find more sustainable energy sources that won't damage the air we breathe. There are new technologies being developed right now that can help decrease the negative effects of pollution so that we can breathe more comfortably - and help to decrease our carbon footprint on the Earth.

Help Keep Norovirus Away

A norovirus infection is very similar to the stomach flu. Symptoms include abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. Unfortunately, it is also very contagious and can spread to person to person very easily. It is also difficult to get rid of on surfaces. Unlike other types of viruses or germs, it isn't necessarily killed by common cleaning agents. The particles can also float through the air when you flush a toilet. The symptoms then start to manifest within a day or two of being exposed to the virus.

One of the most common ways this illness is transmitted is through food handlers. For example, let's say that you're eating at a restaurant. Your server puts your plates down in front of you. As you move the plates around on the table, you touch the same area that the server's hand was on to carry them - and transmission has occurred. Another reason this is so contagious is because people can transmit it without even being aware they are carrying the virus - it can travel before symptoms start to occur. This is yet another reason to be careful of restaurants that you go out to eat to - make sure they are strict about the rule of making employees wash their hands frequently. This is especially important after going to the bathroom and during all phases of food prep.

A new strain of the virus is called the Sydney strain and it is particularly potent. It can live on your laundry and almost any types of surfaces for a long period of time. Again, regular cleaning products are no match against this. In order to truly disinfect areas, use bleach, chlorine or hydrogen peroxide. And let the cleaners sit for a while before wiping down surfaces. Wash your hands frequently - and be sure to wash under the nails. Use hot water and soap and scrub for at least 30 seconds. Doing so might reduce your chances of getting sick and is well worth the time.

As of right now, there is no vaccine for this virus. And there's no treatment other than rest and fluids. Sometimes it takes a few days to feel normal again, but keep in mind that you can still infect others even after your symptoms have subsided.

Don't Spread the Flu This Holiday Season

The holiday season is definitely here - but so is the flu season. The cold and virus season often starts around September or October and really doesn't go away until late spring. And it always seems to get just a little bit worse around the holidays. People are gathering together at office parties, school parties, and family functions. And unfortunately, the germs are spread just as easily as holiday cheer from person to person. The hustle and bustle of the season doesn't help either.

Too many of us are so busy shopping, decorating, working, and gearing up for parties that we don't pay as much attention to our bodies as we should. We lose sleep and often don't eat right. And that's exactly what weakens our immune systems and makes it easier for the germs to attack our bodies. And with the weather being colder and more people are indoors rather than outdoors, the airborne particles from coughs and sneezes makes it even easier for us to get sick. With so many people so close together, one person could potentially infect many others.

One way to avoid getting sick over the holidays is to be smart about who you're around. If you find yourself around someone who is coughing and sneezing or has other symptoms that may be related to a virus, keep your distance as much as possible. Don't touch any surfaces they have touched. In fact, wipe down as many surfaces as you can with anti-bacterial wipes. Use alcohol based hand sanitizer gel. Try stocking up and having multiple bottles in your purse, at your desk, and even in your car is a good idea. Wash your hands in hot water with soap numerous times a day. Good hand washing habits will help avoid the spread of germs.

If you are the one who is feeling under the weather, skip the holiday celebration parties. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze and wash your hands afterward. When you're sick, your body needs rest and fluids. Don't try to keep up with everything that you think you need to do - let others help you so that you can try to relax. Concentrate on getting better. Keep in mind that alcohol and stress can further lower your immune system - so don't overdo it too much at those parties - even if you're in perfect health.

Understanding Respiratory Syncytial Virus

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) causes illnesses and infections that affect the lungs. It also often affects the nose, throat, sinuses, and windpipe - all of which make up the respiratory tract. It is a very common virus - most young children have already had it by the age of two years old. The presence of RSV can be life threatening. This is particularly true for children younger than 2, especially premature babies. This is due to the fact that their immune system isn't very strong yet.

Symptoms of an RSV infection are similar to the common cold. Most people complain of a runny nose, congestion, fever, sore throat, and a cough. Usually people feel better within a week or two. In some cases, it leads to a more serious illness such as pneumonia or bronchitis. Both of those can lead to hospitalizations, even for a normal healthy adult. And for infants, adults over 65, or people with weakened immune systems, the symptoms can be painful and severe. It can cause severe lung infections that impair a person's ability to breathe.

Wintertime is the prime season for RSV infections. Other risk factors include being exposed to heavy cigarette smoke and living in an area with high amounts of air pollution. It is also a common occurrence in daycares and schools, as it is very easy to spread. If you or a loved one develop symptoms, the correct diagnosis is very important. Going to the doctor and getting some tests might be a good idea. Doctors will often listen to your lungs to check for signs of pneumonia or respiratory distress. They may also perform blood tests or order an x-ray.

Avoiding others by not going to work or school and getting plenty of rest is the best way to treat RSV - or any illness. You may also minimize your risk of getting sick by washing hands often. Cover sneezes and coughs with your elbow or a tissue, as RSV germs can affect others through airborne particles as well as surface areas. Clean and disinfect surfaces regularly, especially during the winter months or if someone in your home or office has developed symptoms that are consistent with RSV. And of course, avoid close contact with sick people whenever possible - respiratory syncytial virus is extremely infectious.

Air Pollution and Autism?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), autism spectrum disorders affect a child's social, emotional, and developmental development. This is a lifelong condition that can also contribute to numerous behavioral issues. Genetics are known to play a role. However, recent studies have shown that it may be more than just genetics that contribute to the condition - it might actually also be due to air pollution.

New research from one study compares the instances of autism between children and women who lived in areas that had high levels of diesel fumes and mercury were more likely to develop autism than those who lived in areas with cleaner air. This information can now be used to take the subsequent studies to yet another level - actually testing the blood of the mother and child to check for the levels and types of toxins that can pass through the bloodstream in while a woman is pregnant. This information could lead to finding out even more information about this complex spectrum.

Although studies between the relationship of air pollution and ASD might help shed some the light on the subject, they aren't definitive. Women who live in what might be considered high risk areas aren't necessarily going to give birth to children who may have ASD or other health issues. Genetics also play a large factor. We need to keep in mind that 1 in 88 children are diagnosed with a condition from ASD. Those children are from all types of backgrounds and regions. Boys are diagnosed with the condition at a higher prevalence than girls.

Toxins in the environment lead to increased risk of developing numerous conditions. We've long since known that environmental issues affect plants and animals, we also attribute certain environmental factors to other diseases. And the more we find out, the more apparent it is that we need to do what we can to save our environment and keep it as clean as possible. After all, it directly affects more than just our way of life - it also affects our health as well as the health of our unborn children.

Being Thankful

Sometimes it seems as if maintaining a positive mental outlook is impossible. Life just has a way of stressing us out - especially near the holidays. Our jobs are often a source of this stress. Many of us worry about money or our health. We worry that our "to-do" list just keeps getting longer and longer. Too many of us lose sight of what's really important, such as spending time with family and friends. That's why it's a good idea to just sit back and think about what we have to be thankful for. Instead of paying so much attention to your "to-do" list, make a list of everything in your life that makes you happy.

Spending time with loved ones, especially on Thanksgiving, is a gift. We are blessed to live in a country where we have so much freedom. Our country is one of the strongest nations of the world - and this strength comes from everyday people such as yourself. We may not always agree with our current leaders, but at least we have the freedom to disagree without fear of punishment or loss of life. Other people around the world certainly don't have that same freedom.

Many people have been affected by the changes in the economy during recent years. Our housing markets have undergone ups and downs that have affected people of all income levels. The fluctuations in the job market have put many of us out of work or led us to jobs where we are under employed. And while that can definitely be a cause for concern, we should be thankful for what we do have. After all, we still have food on the table. A roof over our heads. Maintaining healthy relationships. Friends and family that care about us. All of that is much more important than what's in our bank accounts.

Being thankful for what we have and maintaining a positive mental outlook isn't always easy. However, we should definitely pay attention to the good things in our lives. Most of the time the positive aspects far outweigh the negative aspects. Life certainly isn't always easy. But going through the hard times can certainly lead to us appreciating the good times and the people we have that support us as we move forward. And that is exactly what we need to keep sight of - not just now but all year around.

Addison Disease

In order for the body to perform the way it should, it produces hormones. Hormones have a number of functions including regulating metabolism as well as building healthy bones and muscles. Addison's Disease is a condition that affects the adrenal glands, which sit just above the kidneys. People with this disorder don't produce enough cortisol or aldosterone. It affects both men and women and can happen at any age. It can be due to an autoimmune reaction during which the immune system attacks the body. Stress can make the condition worse.

The symptoms associate with this disorder are varied. Many people start having salt cravings. They also experience muscle fatigue, joint pain, nausea, and weight loss. Other symptoms include low blood sugar as well as low blood pressure. Changes in blood pressure are due to abnormal levels of sodium and potassium in the body. Many people feel tired and weak and aren't sure why. They may think they aren't getting enough sleep or exercise. Because these symptoms often mimic other diseases, doctors will often perform a blood test.

There are certain substances in the blood that can pinpoint a definite diagnosis of hormonal insufficiency associated with the adrenal glands. Medical tests such as blood work are the best way to diagnose this type of disorder. The levels of potassium, cortisol, and sodium in the blood will be measured. So will levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), a substance that is produced by the pituitary gland. Another common blood test is done after you are injected with a synthetic formula of ACTH. This test measures the body's response to the substance to see whether or not it produces cortisol. Doctors may also order an imaging scan. Common scans that are used to check the adrenals are CT scans or an MRI.

The treatment for this disorder is hormone replacement therapy. There are a number of different substances that your doctor may put you depending on the level of severity of the disorder as well as your overall health. This disease can be critical and can lead to death if untreated. However, with the right medication and therapies in place, your doctor can treat it and help you manage the symptoms.

Kidney Stones?

The urinary tract is made up of two kidneys, two tubes called the ureters, the bladder, and the urethra. A stone can occur in any of these areas. This is a very painful condition during which the mineral and acid salts that are in the system crystalize together. This formation may hardly be bigger than a grain of sand, but it can cause absolute agony within the body.

Symptoms of this condition include pain in the flank and/or the groin areas. Other symptoms may include blood in the urine, dark urine, as well as nausea and vomiting. Many times these will occur as the crystal is moving around within the kidney or flows into the ureter. If you suspect you have a stone, call or visit the doctor for advice. You may be advised to drink water to help it pass - dehydration is a big risk factor for this condition. Some people find relief by taking over the counter pain medications. Many times people pass them on their own without any medical intervention.

In some severe instances, the crystallized form can obstruct those areas and can't be passed by the body. They can obstruct the passage of urine and can lead to an infection. Sometimes this means surgery is the best option.

Dietary considerations are one of the most important contributions to this painful condition. Diets that are high in sodium and protein might be a risk factor for certain people. Unfortunately, high levels of sodium in the body leads to high levels of calcium in the urine. Calcium is one of the minerals that binds to others to from the crystals. Also make sure that you are following the recommended potassium intake per day. Potassium can help prevent the crystals from forming and binding together.

The human body can protect itself from many conditions through regular exercise and a healthy diet. Low stress levels and an active lifestyle are definitely two ways to avoid both major and minor illnesses. Eat healthy foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid processed foods, too much sugar, and fried foods. If you are on any medications, be sure to look at the potential for side effects, as there are medications that can upset the body's hormone levels and lead to a number of health issues - including kidney stones.


Constipation is a condition during which bowel movements aren't regular or becomes very difficult. It can be a painful condition. Many people also complain of feeling bloated and uncomfortable when they are constipated. Unfortunately, almost everyone has bouts of constipation at one time or another. It can be related to diet, lack of exercise, stress, or a disease process. It occurs when the smooth muscle that lines the bowels doesn't work properly, therefore not allowing the body to move waste through and expel it. It is important to not ignore the problem. Finding the underlying reason for the condition and working to fix it should occur as soon as possible.

Although the smooth muscles of the bowels are not under our conscious control, they can still be affected by nerves and stress. What we eat also plays a large role in our body's physiological functions. Good nutrition is integral to living a healthy life. If you find yourself straining to have a bowel movement or feeling uncomfortably bloated, try eating more foods with fiber in them. Also, be sure you're getting enough fluids - especially water. If the problem doesn't improve through dietary changes, gentle laxatives might be your next step. However, laxatives shouldn't be used long term, as they can actually make the condition worse later.

There are many conditions that can contribute to constipation. Cancer, diabetes, and Parkinson's disease are all examples. It can also be caused by lack of exercise, travel, pregnancy, and hemorrhoids. It is also the side effect of some common medications. The good thing is that it is a treatable condition that usually doesn't last too long. And there are numerous lifestyle changes you can make to decrease the chances of it recurring. Even small changes, such as eating cereal with bran or eating prunes will help the body immensely.

If you have tried to treat the condition yourself with little to no changes, it might be a good idea to consult a doctor. There are tests that can be done to find the reason and therefore put you on the road to recovery. When you go to the doctor, you may find that you have a GI disorder or allergies that are causing the issue. The faster you get it managed, the more you can enjoy life and start feeling better.