Air Pollution Issues

We live in a high tech world filled with modern conveniences. We have mass transportation, including busses, cars, and airplanes that take us wherever we want to go. However, all of this technology and convenience comes with a price - air pollution. The fumes and the chemicals they often emit can do some serious damage to our lungs and our bodies. It is more important than ever to decrease our risk of illnesses related to pollution.

Many people have made it a mission to reduce their carbon footprint on the world. Some people invest in electric cars as a way to reduce their impact on the environment. Others decide to forgo owning an automobile at all. They may rely on their bikes or their own two feet to get around town and to and from work. Many cities in the United States have decided to become more bike friendly by putting bike lanes in on roads and encouraging residents to tool around town on two wheels. These might seem like small advances, but the more people that join the movement the better it is for our environment.

Countries that are primarily industrial are the ones who are responsible for much of the damage to the air and water supplies. This is because of the byproducts that are produced from making any number of products - including paints, machinery, and yes, even technology such as computers and smart phones. One of the most notoriously polluted places in the world is China - the smog there is toxic and can make it difficult for people to catch their breath.

People who have certain medical conditions are affected even more strongly. Conditions such as asthma or other breathing related health issues can make it almost impossible for adequate oxygen intake. Add in smog and particulates from engine exhaust and you have a recipe for disaster.

As more and more people are starting to become personally affected by the toxins circulating in our environment, green technology is becoming more available. Scientists and engineers from around the world are leading the way to find more sustainable energy sources that won't damage the air we breathe. There are new technologies being developed right now that can help decrease the negative effects of pollution so that we can breathe more comfortably - and help to decrease our carbon footprint on the Earth.