Don't Spread the Flu This Holiday Season

The holiday season is definitely here - but so is the flu season. The cold and virus season often starts around September or October and really doesn't go away until late spring. And it always seems to get just a little bit worse around the holidays. People are gathering together at office parties, school parties, and family functions. And unfortunately, the germs are spread just as easily as holiday cheer from person to person. The hustle and bustle of the season doesn't help either.

Too many of us are so busy shopping, decorating, working, and gearing up for parties that we don't pay as much attention to our bodies as we should. We lose sleep and often don't eat right. And that's exactly what weakens our immune systems and makes it easier for the germs to attack our bodies. And with the weather being colder and more people are indoors rather than outdoors, the airborne particles from coughs and sneezes makes it even easier for us to get sick. With so many people so close together, one person could potentially infect many others.

One way to avoid getting sick over the holidays is to be smart about who you're around. If you find yourself around someone who is coughing and sneezing or has other symptoms that may be related to a virus, keep your distance as much as possible. Don't touch any surfaces they have touched. In fact, wipe down as many surfaces as you can with anti-bacterial wipes. Use alcohol based hand sanitizer gel. Try stocking up and having multiple bottles in your purse, at your desk, and even in your car is a good idea. Wash your hands in hot water with soap numerous times a day. Good hand washing habits will help avoid the spread of germs.

If you are the one who is feeling under the weather, skip the holiday celebration parties. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze and wash your hands afterward. When you're sick, your body needs rest and fluids. Don't try to keep up with everything that you think you need to do - let others help you so that you can try to relax. Concentrate on getting better. Keep in mind that alcohol and stress can further lower your immune system - so don't overdo it too much at those parties - even if you're in perfect health.