3 Factors That Disrupt a Healthy Immune System

The most serious threat to a well functioning internal protective system is coming into contact with a virus that is foreign to our immune system not working correctly. The type of situation that nearly destroyed all of the indigenous people of the Hawaiian Islands and probably helped the Spaniards to settle South America is a virus that our immune systems have no knowledge of and can't stop. That type of threat is usually fatal. The second type of threat to our natural healthy existence is lack of proper food, clothing and shelter. The three basic needs are basic since they help us to continue to live. The third factor that is disruptive to our immune system is stress.

The psychological impact caused by stress is disruptive to our body's internal protective controls since our brain is trying to cope with the reactions of the body to it. While spending time in coping with the psychological problems, the body may be neglected with poor nutrition and living conditions. When illness strikes, the body's immunity to viral and bacterial attacks produced by the brain and sent out as white blood cells is literally blocked by the brain that is being controlled by the glands which handle the body's emotional conditions.

The body is a combination of mental and physical controls. The mental controls dominate or are superior in order of brain dominance than the physical controls. That is why getting stressed is very dangerous to our health. There comes a point where we can't turn off our minds processes even when illness strikes, can be very disturbing to our continued good wellness due to the imbalance with our thoughts.