Kidney Stones?

The urinary tract is made up of two kidneys, two tubes called the ureters, the bladder, and the urethra. A stone can occur in any of these areas. This is a very painful condition during which the mineral and acid salts that are in the system crystalize together. This formation may hardly be bigger than a grain of sand, but it can cause absolute agony within the body.

Symptoms of this condition include pain in the flank and/or the groin areas. Other symptoms may include blood in the urine, dark urine, as well as nausea and vomiting. Many times these will occur as the crystal is moving around within the kidney or flows into the ureter. If you suspect you have a stone, call or visit the doctor for advice. You may be advised to drink water to help it pass - dehydration is a big risk factor for this condition. Some people find relief by taking over the counter pain medications. Many times people pass them on their own without any medical intervention.

In some severe instances, the crystallized form can obstruct those areas and can't be passed by the body. They can obstruct the passage of urine and can lead to an infection. Sometimes this means surgery is the best option.

Dietary considerations are one of the most important contributions to this painful condition. Diets that are high in sodium and protein might be a risk factor for certain people. Unfortunately, high levels of sodium in the body leads to high levels of calcium in the urine. Calcium is one of the minerals that binds to others to from the crystals. Also make sure that you are following the recommended potassium intake per day. Potassium can help prevent the crystals from forming and binding together.

The human body can protect itself from many conditions through regular exercise and a healthy diet. Low stress levels and an active lifestyle are definitely two ways to avoid both major and minor illnesses. Eat healthy foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid processed foods, too much sugar, and fried foods. If you are on any medications, be sure to look at the potential for side effects, as there are medications that can upset the body's hormone levels and lead to a number of health issues - including kidney stones.


Constipation is a condition during which bowel movements aren't regular or becomes very difficult. It can be a painful condition. Many people also complain of feeling bloated and uncomfortable when they are constipated. Unfortunately, almost everyone has bouts of constipation at one time or another. It can be related to diet, lack of exercise, stress, or a disease process. It occurs when the smooth muscle that lines the bowels doesn't work properly, therefore not allowing the body to move waste through and expel it. It is important to not ignore the problem. Finding the underlying reason for the condition and working to fix it should occur as soon as possible.

Although the smooth muscles of the bowels are not under our conscious control, they can still be affected by nerves and stress. What we eat also plays a large role in our body's physiological functions. Good nutrition is integral to living a healthy life. If you find yourself straining to have a bowel movement or feeling uncomfortably bloated, try eating more foods with fiber in them. Also, be sure you're getting enough fluids - especially water. If the problem doesn't improve through dietary changes, gentle laxatives might be your next step. However, laxatives shouldn't be used long term, as they can actually make the condition worse later.

There are many conditions that can contribute to constipation. Cancer, diabetes, and Parkinson's disease are all examples. It can also be caused by lack of exercise, travel, pregnancy, and hemorrhoids. It is also the side effect of some common medications. The good thing is that it is a treatable condition that usually doesn't last too long. And there are numerous lifestyle changes you can make to decrease the chances of it recurring. Even small changes, such as eating cereal with bran or eating prunes will help the body immensely.

If you have tried to treat the condition yourself with little to no changes, it might be a good idea to consult a doctor. There are tests that can be done to find the reason and therefore put you on the road to recovery. When you go to the doctor, you may find that you have a GI disorder or allergies that are causing the issue. The faster you get it managed, the more you can enjoy life and start feeling better.

Commuting to Work And Your Health

The average commute is about 25 minutes, and most people go it alone. Research reveals that longer commutes can trigger health problems and decrease the overall quality of your life. If you have to commute more than 45 minutes a day, you may be more likely to suffer from stress, excess weight, sleep difficulties and a decreased lifespan. If you have a partner, you may even be at an increased risk of splitting up.

The daily commute can be difficult even apart from the stress of sitting in traffic. Every moment you spend behind the wheel is less time spent with your loved ones, enjoying your favorite hobby or simply relaxing. Trimming your drive time may not be an option, but there are some ways you can lighten your load.

1. Multitask

If you absolutely must drive, find a way to fill in that otherwise-blank time with safe, pleasurable activities. Books-on-tape, relaxing music or simple reflection can all be options. Avoid texting, accessing the Internet on your mobile device or talking on the phone since these activities could be risky.

2. Unplug

Turn your phone off or silence the ringer and take a step back from your everyday life. Avoid answering work-related calls or emails while you are commuting to and from your job, and wait to check your email, social networking pages or text until you are home or at your desk. This allows you to create an easy buffer between your professional life and your home life.

3. Be mindful 

Some people end up grabbing convenience food or end up eating fast food while they are behind the wheel. While eating behind the wheel is not inherently dangerous, it can be distracting for drivers. Eating in the car can be unhealthy, too. Not only are you more likely to grab unhealthy options, but you are also unlikely to be paying attention to your body’s natural hunger cues. Keep granola bars at your desk or a bowl of fruit at home for a convenient grab-and-go alternative.

Whether you spend 25 or 45 minutes driving to work or other location every day, add up the hours per year that you spend in your car. You are not exercising, and you are possibly stressing. Calculate the cost to your wallet and your mental health, and consider other solutions. If you, like many of us, simply cannot easily move, then finding ways to make your drive more pleasurable may be one of the best solutions.

Helping Family When They Are Sick

Having a family member who is sick can be difficult for everyone involved. But as many families know, it is important to have a support system in place. This means sticking together during the good times and the down times. If someone in your family is ill, there are things you can do to help them so they can improve faster. Relatives are the perfect support system, as they care for each other and love each other in ways others do not.

If you know of a loved one who is sick, there are certain things you can do to help them. If they are in the hospital, you can visit them as much as possible to keep them company. If they are at home but unable to fully care for themselves, you can do whatever it takes to make them comfortable. You can prepare food, assist with finances, clean - ask them what they need. If the illness is sudden, you may have to cover for them and make calls to their place of employment as well as other family members. Go with your loved one to visit the doctor and be involved in their day to day lives.

Helping others definitely gives our lives purpose. It can be a rewarding process. This is particularly true when we are helping loved ones. We learn that there is a certain amount of give and take in every relationship. Of course, some loved ones might have a sense of pride that doesn't allow them to accept help very easily. Be sure to find out what works for them and what doesn't. Being sick isn't enjoyable at all. Feeling needy and dependent on others can be an unnerving experience.

Sometimes the only thing we can do to help loved ones is simply be a calming presence. Many times you can help them get better just by being there. Help them maintain low stress levels so that they can focus on recovery. This might mean doing their laundry, taking the car in for an oil change, or just sitting with them during their favorite television shows. The point is to provide a support system and let them know they are loved. That is often the best form of medicine.

Tension Headaches

It might start as an ache in your temples. Or emerge as dull pressure in the back of your head. But as your scalp tightens and the pain increases, you realize that you're probably in the beginning throes of a headache. Tension headaches are one of the most common manifestations of stress. They can affect your head and neck. Sometimes they work their way down into the shoulder areas as well. However, as painful as they are, they can be stopped. Paying attention to the potential triggers is one way to stop them. There are certain medications that are very effective as well.

Two common triggers are alcohol and caffeine. Both of them dehydrate you, which leads to an imbalance in body chemistry. Bad posture and not getting enough rest are two more possible triggers. If you notice that you tend to feel worse after sitting down at your desk and staring at the computer for a few hours, it might be time to make a few changes. Just because you're sitting in a chair doesn't mean you can't exercise! Try a few neck and shoulder rolls. Stretch your arms above your head and hold them up for a count of 10. This will help get the blood flowing a little bit.

Many people suffer from headaches when they are overly tired or sick. These aches and pains can even make your teeth hurt! Another common complaint is pressure in and around the eyes. If the effects of your discomfort get to the point that your everyday activities are impaired, it may be time to head to the doctor for an exam. Your doctor will be able to recommend a treatment for pain relief - including medications or pointers on how to alter lifestyle habits.

Before you visit your doctor, be sure to track and monitor changes and potential triggers. Include your sleeping patterns as well as your diet habits. This will help both you and your doctor to formulate a plan that will help get you feeling normal again. You'll soon realize what triggers to avoid. And by incorporating better sleeping patterns and a healthier diet as well as regular exercise, your head will no longer ache!

Forget About Age, Start Living

Many people dread getting older. Birthdays start to become milestones to fear instead of occasions for celebrations. Looking at mirror becomes stressful because wrinkles become more apparent. But changing your attitude toward getting older can actually be a good thing. A positive attitude could add more fruitful years to your life - and make it pleasant for others to be around you!

One of the best things you can do is to simply forget about your age. It's only a number- it shouldn't define you. Make the most out of your every day life. Instead of experiencing dread at the thought of getting another year older, think of birthday candles as an accomplishments. Don't be scared of getting older, instead be positive. Not only are people living longer, they are also accomplishing more as they age. And much of this is due to having a positive attitude. If you're facing retirement age, think about all the free time you'll have to do the things you love doing - bike rides, hiking, gardening, dinner parties with friends - the list is endless.

Getting older should not be scary or stressful. Ignore the wrinkles when looking at mirror, they are not who you are. Living longer is actually a good thing - it will give you more time to do things that you've always wanted to do. Make the most out of your upcoming birthdays and plan something fun. How about that cruise or that epic vacation you've always wanted to embark upon? Now is the time. Sure, trying new things might be scary at first. But don't let that fear turn into negativity. Instead be positive about what life has to offer.

If you think of birthday candles as an accomplishments and strive to maintain a positive attitude, the adventure that you will have will certainly be enjoyable. And you will certainly make it pleasant for others to be around you. A happy attitude toward age could add more fruitful years to your life. A good attitude is also infectious, causing others around you to be happy as well. And as we all know, laughter is the best medicine.

Football Sundays

It's that time of year again - football season! Millions of people find themselves glued to their televisions on Sunday afternoons, ready for the favorite teams to do battle. Some people take their sports fix very seriously, others see it as a way to relax and pass the time with friends. Getting together to watch games (and trade insults about each other's teams) is a great way to socialize with others. It's the perfect end to a busy week - except if your team loses!

Watching the game with a large group of people can make it even more interesting. This is especially true if you're arguing over the referee's calls and yelling at the players to move the ball down the field. (And who doesn't yell at the television during a game? It's practically a national pastime, isn't it?) Another way people have fun during football season is to head down to the local bar and check out the game on the big screen televisions. There's something inherently relaxing about checking out the game with your buddies while enjoying a few beverages.

Sunday afternoon games are the perfect time to throw a party. Invite your friends over to watch the game. Have them each bring some type of food or beverage. Along with the chili cheese dip and the chips, try to encourage some people to bring some healthy snacks. Provide a vegetable tray with carrots, celery, cucumbers, and other types of vegetables. Garnish it with a low-fat dip. It's simple, fast, and sure to be a hit.

As we head into fall and cooler weather, we'll no doubt miss the warmer temperatures of summer. But gridiron season is a great time of year to get together with friends and family. Even people who aren't into games will appreciate the atmosphere and the party like vibe that happens when good people get together. And don't forget about your fantasy football league!

Benefits of Being An Organ Donor

Listing yourself as an organ donor is one of the most selfless acts that we can do as human beings. To do so means that you are giving someone else a second chance at life. There are thousands of people with chronic diseases who are waiting just for that chance. Diseases such as cancer can damage organs and lead to someone needing a transplant in order to survive. And transplants aren't just for adults. Children and babies need them as well, especially those born with certain diseases or conditions that affect organ function.

Most states offer organ donation information and sign-up lists through department of licensing bureaus. This means you can sign up to be an organ donor when you renew your drivers license - or you can just walk in and do it. There are also places online where you can add your name. You will often receive a special card to carry with you. It identifies you as a potential organ donor if you've been in an accident that isn't survivable. Enlisting ourselves as donors is a smart way to take away the pain and uncertainty of our families trying to make the decision for us. Letting your preferences be known can mean the difference of saving another human being's life.

There's obviously immense value in donating your organs and giving someone else life. This simple yet powerful act of kindness will help a family in need. If you want to score some good karma points, this is a truly heroic way to do so.

Many people fear that their loved ones will have to be responsible for the costs associated with donating their organs. But that isn't true. Donor families incur no costs at all with organ donation procedures. Another myth regarding organ donation is that doctors won't work as hard to save a person's life if they know the victim is an organ donor. Again, this is most definitely not true. Doctors have a responsibility to save lives - regardless of organ donor status.

Some of the most commonly donated organs include the heart, kidneys, and lungs as well as the liver. Tissue donation, cornea donation, and even bowel donations are also in high demand. One person can save many lives and enhance many others.

More Family Time Outdoors

Spending time with family is a great stress reliever. (Well, sometimes.) But in this age of technology and gadgets galore, many of our free hours are often spent indoors playing video games. And although there's something to be said about bonding over playing these games, there's certainly no substitute for heading for the great outdoors and getting some fresh air. Do you want to truly bond with your child and have a real conversation with them? Turn off the television and go for a simple walk - it's free and requires no special equipment.

There's little doubt that social media has changed our perceptions of relationships and in many ways enhanced our lives. Unfortunately, the technology craze has also had a marked effect on our waistlines. The rates of obesity for children and adults are higher than ever. So what's the solution? It's simple - more exercise. And that doesn't mean turning to your video game console and slipping in an exercise DVD - (although sometimes during the cold winter months even that's better than nothing) it means getting some fresh air on the local trails or taking a bike ride together through the neighborhood.

Human beings are inherently social creatures. And while sharing our updates and photos on social media are great ways to reach out to people, our online lives shouldn't replace real human interaction. Sure, you might be Facebook friends with your neighbor, but when's the last time you spent actually having a cup of coffee and chatting over the fence? Yes, looking at cat pictures online is fun and can make you laugh - but it certainly doesn't replace the joy you feel when laughing with a friend face to face over a silly story.

The bottom line is simple: family time is important. So is being active and living a healthy lifestyle. If you want to set a good example for your kids regarding health and wellness, you should put down the smart phone, turn off the computer, and hit the local parks. Maybe sign your kids up for sports - whether its soccer, football, volleyball, or even kite-flying. Besides, encouraging your child to be active during the day might just make bedtime easier. And that's something that all parents and children could benefit from!

Ditching the Beautiful Four Inch Stilettos

For decades, many women have bought into the the high heel craze. They claimed that the heels gave them a boost of confidence and helped them maintain a certain sense of style. Many women believe that a high heel is an absolute necessity and build their wardrobe around their shoes. However, there is certainly something to be said about ditching those beautiful and highly uncomfortable four inch stilettos. Getting rid of them for a more comfortable option doesn't mean you have to sacrifice a sense of style - there are plenty of shoes with a two-inch heel that are absolutely incredible. They're also going to be much more comfortable!

Some females like the higher heels because they believe it helps boost their self-esteem. But is that self-esteem worth the price you pay in the long run for those stilettos? After all, its been proven that those heels contribute to a number of foot deformities. Just a few examples of those deformities are bunions and hammertoes. Bunions are painful bumps that are formed at the base of the big toe. They are often caused by wearing shoes that are too tight. Hammertoes occur when the foot is compressed into an unnatural position for too long, causing the toes to be pushed up against the front of the shoe. It is also caused by wearing shoes that are too narrow in the toe area. Stilettos are notorious for contributing to both of those conditions.

Wearing stilettos can bring many health complications lower back pain can be just one of them. The shoes themselves generally have very little support in the arch area and also contribute to a change in the center of gravity, resulting in balance issues. They can also contribute to ankle problems. Overall, wearing them for long periods of time on a consistent basis can cause unnecessary wear and tear on your whole body. Not to mention the fact that they can be extremely uncomfortable. All of that is an incredibly high price to pay just to look "stylish." There's no law that says you can't feel great by wearing a lower-heeled shoe - quite the opposite is actually true. Your feet will definitely thank you in the long run.