Ditching the Beautiful Four Inch Stilettos

For decades, many women have bought into the the high heel craze. They claimed that the heels gave them a boost of confidence and helped them maintain a certain sense of style. Many women believe that a high heel is an absolute necessity and build their wardrobe around their shoes. However, there is certainly something to be said about ditching those beautiful and highly uncomfortable four inch stilettos. Getting rid of them for a more comfortable option doesn't mean you have to sacrifice a sense of style - there are plenty of shoes with a two-inch heel that are absolutely incredible. They're also going to be much more comfortable!

Some females like the higher heels because they believe it helps boost their self-esteem. But is that self-esteem worth the price you pay in the long run for those stilettos? After all, its been proven that those heels contribute to a number of foot deformities. Just a few examples of those deformities are bunions and hammertoes. Bunions are painful bumps that are formed at the base of the big toe. They are often caused by wearing shoes that are too tight. Hammertoes occur when the foot is compressed into an unnatural position for too long, causing the toes to be pushed up against the front of the shoe. It is also caused by wearing shoes that are too narrow in the toe area. Stilettos are notorious for contributing to both of those conditions.

Wearing stilettos can bring many health complications lower back pain can be just one of them. The shoes themselves generally have very little support in the arch area and also contribute to a change in the center of gravity, resulting in balance issues. They can also contribute to ankle problems. Overall, wearing them for long periods of time on a consistent basis can cause unnecessary wear and tear on your whole body. Not to mention the fact that they can be extremely uncomfortable. All of that is an incredibly high price to pay just to look "stylish." There's no law that says you can't feel great by wearing a lower-heeled shoe - quite the opposite is actually true. Your feet will definitely thank you in the long run.