Forget About Age, Start Living

Many people dread getting older. Birthdays start to become milestones to fear instead of occasions for celebrations. Looking at mirror becomes stressful because wrinkles become more apparent. But changing your attitude toward getting older can actually be a good thing. A positive attitude could add more fruitful years to your life - and make it pleasant for others to be around you!

One of the best things you can do is to simply forget about your age. It's only a number- it shouldn't define you. Make the most out of your every day life. Instead of experiencing dread at the thought of getting another year older, think of birthday candles as an accomplishments. Don't be scared of getting older, instead be positive. Not only are people living longer, they are also accomplishing more as they age. And much of this is due to having a positive attitude. If you're facing retirement age, think about all the free time you'll have to do the things you love doing - bike rides, hiking, gardening, dinner parties with friends - the list is endless.

Getting older should not be scary or stressful. Ignore the wrinkles when looking at mirror, they are not who you are. Living longer is actually a good thing - it will give you more time to do things that you've always wanted to do. Make the most out of your upcoming birthdays and plan something fun. How about that cruise or that epic vacation you've always wanted to embark upon? Now is the time. Sure, trying new things might be scary at first. But don't let that fear turn into negativity. Instead be positive about what life has to offer.

If you think of birthday candles as an accomplishments and strive to maintain a positive attitude, the adventure that you will have will certainly be enjoyable. And you will certainly make it pleasant for others to be around you. A happy attitude toward age could add more fruitful years to your life. A good attitude is also infectious, causing others around you to be happy as well. And as we all know, laughter is the best medicine.