Scientists: Your Coffee Habit Doesn’t Affect Your Weight

Scientists say that your daily coffee habit may not affect your weight. This is great news for almost 60 percent of the adult population in the U.S. who drink coffee everyday. Research over the years has shed more light on the health benefits of drinking coffee. One study in particular found that drinking this delicious beverage does not increase your chances of developing obesity or type 2 diabetes.

Some experts are surprised by the findings, saying that increased coffee intake was found to be strongly associated with diabetes. However, even they admit that genetics play a big part in determining how much a person is drinking and how it affects them. Even exposure to caffeine has been linked to improved brain performance in women, particularly older women.

Additionally, coffee has been shown to be beneficial for heart healthy. In one study, results showed that drinking moderate amounts of coffee was linked to lower risk of developing heart failure. Another study showed that coffee may be associated with a reduced risk of developing liver cancer by as much as 40 percent. That’s a significant amount especially for those who are genetically predisposed to have liver problems.

Remember to moderate your intake

Coffee without the unhealthy additives, sugars and hydrogenated oils is a great beverage with many health benefits. Black drip coffee is the best way to have it, but a cappuccino or latte can be okay too. Just avoid the empty calories that usually come with dressed-up coffee drinks. Those can end up canceling out any potential health benefits from your favorite cup of Joe.

How much coffee is safe to drink?

It’s best to limit your coffee intake to about three cups a day. More than that will jack up your caffeine intake, which in turn will have a mild diuretic effect on the body. This can leave you feeling dehydrated and can even cause energy crashes or withdrawals.

Have your coffee, black if possible, and don’t be afraid to enjoy it. You could be doing your heart and liver a huge favor in the long run.

Try The Quickest Hangover Cure Ever

When meeting people, you will find that each has his or her own individual quirks. Some like to travel in flip flops; others only like to sit in the front passenger seat otherwise they get very car sick; there are also those who only like to eat white chocolate otherwise they won’t eat chocolate at all. Then you’ll meet those who like whisky over wine, or vodka over beer. However, those who belong in the latter examples have one thing in common: they all have a hangover cure of choice.

After a night of fun, it can be a bit hellish to wake up to bright sunshine due to what we call a hangover. This can mean migraines, nausea, dizziness, fatigue or a general feeling of crappiness. Queue the best natural hangover cure ever (or so they say): The Magic Tonic.

The Magic Tonic

2 tablespoons of Lemon Juice
½ tablespoon of finely ground coffee (must be organic)

Mix these two together until they are well incorporated. It should resemble a puree. If the mixture is too thick, add a touch more lemon juice.

What makes it so effective?

Lemon juice is similar in structure to the body’s natural digestive juices, meaning it will go down easily and be processed relatively easily. It also acts as a powerful liver cleanser for those who drink pretty heavily, filtering out toxins and promoting better nutrient absorption. Coffee on the other hand, contains caffeine. That’s pretty self-explanatory, right? We all love caffeine; it makes us feel human. But what you probably don’t know is that coffee is abundant in antioxidants, which help repair damage caused by free radicals.

Ramp it up further

Need something stronger? You can take it up a notch if you so choose. Here’s the recipe for the Pre-Magic Tonic

Pre Magic Tonic

12-16 ounces of filtered water
1 teaspoon of sea salt

Dissolve the sea salt into the water and drink this before the Magic Tonic. This solution stimulates the adrenal glands, waking you up and supplying you with more energy.


While these hangover cures may be effective, it’s not an excuse for you to go binge-drinking. Moderate your alcohol consumption and be safe, always.

Maximize Your Menu for Glowing, Luminous Skin

The skin is our body’s largest organ. Whatever we ingest is going to have an effect on our skin.

Our diet—food and beverages—can radically change how our skin looks and feels. Eating the right foods can nurture glowing, clear, and youthful skin. Eat the wrong foods will cause a lack of elasticity, puffiness, redness and wrinkles. Choose foods that will enhance the texture, pigment and firmness of your skin.

Here are some good food and beverage choices:

Foods high in protein nurture a firm, luminous skin. Good protein choices include: chia seeds, eggs, wild salmon, black cod, herring and sardines.

Other great food choices are: dark green vegetables like kale, broccoli, spinach, Swiss chard, beet greens, rabe, and collard greens. These detox your body.

Yellow fruits and vegetables contain carotenoids that help control cell turnover that generates clear, clean skin. Excellent yellow fruit and vegetable choices include: papaya, peaches, pineapple, sweet potato and spaghetti squash as well as avocado and raw seeds such as sunflower, pumpkin and hemp.

 Think of your skin as a sponge. It soaks up whatever you ingest and whatever is around you. The sun’s UV rays are hard on your skin so you need to protect it from the sun’s drying rays with sunscreen and hydrating lotions. Smoking is hard on your skin. Avoid firsthand, secondhand and third-hand smoke, smog and air pollution.

You can never drink too much clean water for your skin. Water flushes toxins and keeps skin hydrated. Drink at least sixty-four ounces of water per day. First thing in the morning, drink clean hot water with lemon and cayenne pepper.

If you want great looking skin include, bad food choices include: pizza, pasta, cakes, pies, cookies, granola bars, fruit smoothies, sweetened yogurts and cereals!  Anything that is made with refined flours and sugars. Other bad choices for your skin are gluten foods, dairy and soy. These cause inflammation of your skin. 

Avoid alcohol and coffee. They will dry your skin. The toxins will also accumulate in your liver. A single glass of wine must pass through your liver 100 times to remove the alcohol. Limit coffee, sugars, gluten, dairy and soy to a maximum of once or twice a week. If you want radiant skin for a special day, cut out bad-for-you foods and beverages two weeks before the event.

Scientists Say No Dietary Limit on Fat Intake Necessary

Low-fat diets caught on for a while as the best diet out there, but like many others before it, it has since been forgotten and now belongs in the “just okay” list. It’s not bad, but not extraordinary either. However with mounting evidence that supports the consumption of dietary fat being better for weight loss, it’s probably going to die down for good.

Full-fat options may be better than low-fat or non-fat options

In one study published by the American Medical Association, they found that healthy fats such as those in fish, olive oil and nuts, can protect us from diseases. Furthermore, fat-free or low-fat options may be even worse for us health-wise than full-fat options. This is a complete 180 from what scientists were preaching just a few years ago.

Another point they made in this study was that carbohydrates are to blame for the rising numbers of obesity, not dietary fat. This prompted the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee to revise their current guidelines of 35% of our total daily calories from dietary fats to no restriction at all.

Is this a wise decision?

Ketogenic dieters are nodding their heads in affirmation, but not everyone is welcoming this change with open arms. Some experts are wary that this may not be the best choice in light of the current situation in the U.S. where the vast majority are either obese or overweight.

Fat is calorie-dense

Removing the guidelines and basically telling everyone to eat as much fat as they want could spell disaster in many cases. Even if one were to only consume good fats, calories still matter. If you were to consume 10,000 calories of good fats but only require 2,300 calories per day to maintain your weight, you would gain a lot of weight by eating 10,000 calories a day regardless of the food source.

Further education needed

Before making such a broad recommendation, more education is needed to inform people of dietary fat intake. It’s not as simple as telling them that they can eat as much fat as they want as long as it’s “good” fat. There should be more information available so that people can adjust their fat consumption based on their recommended caloric intake.

Diabetes and Bladder Control

Diabetes is a disease that causes a wide range of symptoms. But some of these symptoms are more well-known than others. A lesser known, but still fairly common symptom of diabetes is bladder problems. Those with diabetes often have issues with their bladder, which can go unnoticed for months. These bladder problems are often caused by problems with the muscles and the nerves that control the bladder.

Overactive Bladder

People with diabetes often develop an overactive bladder. The main symptom of an overactive bladder is frequent urination. If you have an overactive bladder, you will often urinate more than eight times per day, and you will have to get up during the night to visit the bathroom.

Other symptoms of an overactive bladder include a sudden and strong urge to urinate and urine leakage after this sudden urge. Diabetes causes an overactive bladder because it can damage the nerves that control your bladder.

You can treat an overactive bladder. Your physician may suggest exercises to strengthen the muscles that allow you to hold in urine. A health care professional may also be able to provide you with medication and other treatment options.

Urine Retention

People with diabetes can also have issues with urine retention. As diabetes can damage the nerves that control bladder function, sometimes the muscles don’t get the message from the nerves that the bladder is full and that it needs to be emptied. Also, the muscles can become too weak to fully empty the bladder.

When the bladder retains too much urine, it can cause the urine to back up and put more pressure on the urinary system. As a result it could cause damage to the kidneys. Urine retention can also contribute to urine leakage and if it remains in the body too long, it can lead to a urinary tract infection.

The cause of bladder problems in people with diabetes can be quite complex to determine, as these bladder problems can occur in those who do not have diabetes. So, that’s why it’s important to see a doctor to determine the cause of the problem and to determine the right treatment.

This OTC Drug Could Hurt Your Chances of Conceiving

Some people get pregnant without even meaning to, while others try for months and months but to no avail. They then look to hormone doctors and all sorts of fertility-boosting measures to somehow correct the process and improve their chances of conceiving, but could the problem stem from something as simple as an over-the-counter painkiller? Some experts think so.

NSAIDs can keep you from conceiving

In one study, results showed that taking NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can temporarily affect a woman’s chances at conceiving. Just 10 days of regular consumption of NSAIDs saw a drop in progesterone which is one of the hormones involved in the process of ovulation. Those

The study examined women who were of childbearing age and had back pain. They all took varying dosages of NSAIDs of different brand names for 10 days. After the 10-day period, they were tested for fertility.

These preliminary findings are not entirely new. Previous studies have shown that NSAIDs to be the only type of painkillers to affect a woman’s ovulation. Drugs that cause a similar effect as NSAIDs are said to have the same effect on ovulation.

Effects are temporary

Don’t panic; if you have been taking NSAIDs, you can breathe easy because these effects on fertility are said to be temporary. More research must be done to prove or disprove the hypothesis that regular consumption of NSAIDs causes permanent infertility. Men do not seem to be affected by this.

What’s in your cabinet?

Before you purchase more over-the-counter drugs, do an inventory if your medicine cabinet. Acetaminophen does not have the same effect as NSAIDs so you may want to look into that instead of the usual Aleve or Advil.

Be wise in your choices and try to heal yourself from the inside with the use of whole foods. Certain whole foods such as green vegetables and fruits also have anti-inflammatory effects but without the infertility. Try supplementing with green juice instead of popping a pill. You might be surprised at how well mother nature provides. Maybe a trip to the grocery store won’t require you to visit the OTC drugs aisle after al

High-Calorie Dishes: These Restaurant Meals Take the Cake

Eating is fun. Eating high-calorie meals is even more fun. But you know what’s not fun? Not fitting into your pants; developing heart disease; not being able to walk your dog without feeling out of breath—those are not fun.

Think those so-called “healthy” restaurants serve good meals that will benefit you? Perhaps not. Let’s have a look at some of their popular dishes.

1.     IHOP Chorizo Fiesta Omelette

IHOP isn’t known for health fare, but they do have “lite” options for those who are watching their figures. You would think an omelette would be a safe bet because it has eggs, cheese and chili. Chili contains capsaicin which boosts the metabolism so it shold be good for you right? Chorizo and cheese are protein sources, right? Yes on all accounts, but let’s have a look at the numbers.

At 1900 calories, that’s a hefty, hefty plate that doesn’t provide much satiety. Also, at 121 grams of fat, that’s easily 10 tablespoons of butter. Can you imagine eating 10 tablespoons of butter? Fortunately, you just have to clean your house from top to bottom for eight solid hours to burn it off. Yay!

2.     Dickey's Barbecue Pit 3 Meat Plate

Ah the fatty meats—a man’s meal as they say. Beef brisket, pork ribs and polish sausage… what’s not to love about this trifecta of protein and fat? The calorie count. If you think the IHOP omelette is bad. This is much worse. Try twice as worse—calorie-wise anyway. At just over 3,800 calories, there’s no redeeming factor in this dish other han the fact that it probably has very little carbs. Oh wait, scratch that. It has 149 grams of added sugar on top of the 190 grams of fat. No matter; just run for five hours to burn it off.

3.     Outback Steakhouse Herb Prime Rib

Everyone’s been to Outback at least once in their lives, maybe. But have you ever ordered the Prime Rib? No? Don’t. At 2,400 calories, it’s not the worst but it’s certainly not the best either. With hefty sides and the warm bread rolls, you’re sure to leave the place with a smile on your face. That is, until you have to do 10 hours of yard work to burn it off.

Those Brussels Sprouts May Improve Your Memory!

Now there’s another good reason to eat healthy. Recent studies have shown that certain foods improve memory.

Author Dr. David Perl mutter in his latest book, Brain Maker: the Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain -- for Life, says we need to get smarter at what we eat.
He recommends fruit, vegetables and protein. Why the concern? Dr. Perl mutter contends that food affects the brain’s chemistry. He further explains that our digestive system can make our brain work better. Our brains, he claims, depend on the goodness of the bacteria in our intestine.
His theory is not novel. The Greek physician Hippocrates stated: "All disease begins in the gut." Dr. Perl mutter goes so far as to call the gut a “second brain”.
Noting the high incidence of obesity, Dr. Perl mutter says that the American population should be alarmed.With two-thirds of the population overweight Dr. Perl mutter says it is little wonder that things like autism and depression are rising. He blames these problems on America's poor diet.
When we eat processed foods, sugary and fatty foods, notes Perl mutter, our guts get damaged and dysfunctional.  Bad bacteria multiply. The body’s “second brain” is not nurtured. Thus it does not produce as much serotonin. Since between 80 and 90 percent of the body’s serotonin comes from the gut, this is worrisome.
In a previous book Dr. Perl mutter pointed out that a diet high carbohydrates and gluten is damaging to the brain. This leads to headaches, depression, dementia, ADHD and intestinal disorders.
Other research is exploring the link between what we eat and the brain’s capacity to function.
Dr. Melina Jampolis, a physician is studying a link between nutrition and fitness. She notes that the health of the gut and the bacteria or microbes in the gut arecritical elements of optimum brain health. To produce this state of optimum brain health, she recommends a Mediterranean style diet. A Jampolis claim that this diet has anti-inflammatory properties.This diet has also long been recommended as beneficial to heart health. The Mediterranean diet recommends drinking red wine. Foods on this diet are high in whole grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables, legumes, fish.
It seems that the old adage: “You are what you eat.” has taken on another new meaning. 

Not Just Prunes: Foods to Help You Get Regular

Constipation is such a great topic to talk about. Who doesn’t like talking about hardened stool right? Well, 42 million people in the world are experiencing it so it’s definitely worth talking about.

Feeling backed up?

Bowel movements should be regular. Once or twice a week on the golden throne is not enough for most people and could be sign that there’s a problem. Conditions such as medications, bowel disease and hypothyroidism could be causing constipation. However, there are also other factors that come into play such as insufficient fiber and water consumption. Here are some foods that should help you become more regular:

1.     Popcorn

You probably didn’t know that popcorn could be healthy. That’s because our favorite movie theaters drench it in salt and melted butter. While delicious, it kind of cancels out any health benefits to popcorn when it’s swimming in fat. Try air-popping your popcorn instead.

2.     Kiwis

Fruits often contain a lot of fructose which can cause bloating and gas. However, certain types are not as high in fructose as others. Kiwis for example have lower sugar and higher fiber. At five grams per kiwi, you’ll be regular in no time.

3.     Prunes

Prunes are like big raisins but they are actually dried plums. Famous for stimulating bowel movement, prunes are rich in fiber and keep things moving along. At 1 gram of fiber per prune, you’re sure to hit your recommended fiber intake.


Oatmeal is great because it contains two types of dietary fiber: soluble and insoluble. Both types add bulk to your stool and help food pass efficiently through the digestive system. Top your oatmeal with some prunes and kiwi for a massive fiber haul.


The Japanese are on to something here. In one study on a small group of Japanese men and women, results showed that those who consumed the largest amount of rice were less likely to suffer from constipation. Opt for brown rice instead of white, as it has more fiber and is less processed. This means it contains more vitamins and minerals than its counterpart. Both are delicious and are certainly very easy to incorporate in one’s diet.

The Sound of an Airplane Affects the Taste of The Food

Why is it that you love tomato juice on an airplane, but hate it once you hit the ground?  Well, it’s not just your imagination; this change in taste happens to everyone and apparently, there is now a science to this interesting fact.
Recent studies show that airplane noise is the culprit to your liking certain foods only when flying. It appears that the noise affects the way you taste, making certain foods or beverages stand out and minimizing others. Robin Dando, the co-author of the study, conducted at Cornell University, initiated the test because of all the complaints about airplane food. Robin, a food scientist, explains that flavor is influenced by the brain, but this is also related to the environment, and that the environment can also have a profound effect on our brain and consequently on our taste buds; so in essence other senses and environments can influence our taste buds.
To prove the theory, he conducted a study involving 48 people and the five basic types of taste. These involved sweet, sour, bitter, umami, and salty flavors. Umami is the term given to flavors like soup, meats, cheeses and tomatoes.
The volunteers in the study tasted everything in a quiet, almost silent environment, and then again in another environment that mimicked the hum of jet engines.  The results showed something quite interesting. It turns out that the noise that affected hearing also affects taste buds, making the taste of umami more flavorful. And that’s why when you fly, a beverage like tomato juice, a food product that you rarely drink under normal circumstances, tastes so good.
The findings were so interesting to airlines and food producers that Lufthansa, a buyer of more than 400,000 gallons of tomato juice per year, has also ordered its own study.
On the Other Hand…
The study went on to conclude that this change in taste buds also affected other foods, those that we tend to consume in huge quantities under normal circumstances. These foods like chocolate, sodas and sweets just didn’t have much of an appeal when flying. A soda just doesn’t taste as good on a plane, and candy is not so appealing. The reason is because the sweet taste buds are inhibited by the sound.
The results for salty and bitter tastes were not affected. These taste buds remained the same. But these findings are enough to make researchers want to continue to investigate how an airplane cabin environment could affect taste buds, and these results may lead to breakthroughs in areas such as weight loss and or weight gain.
Bottom Line
The study also implies that noise and the sense of hearing can have an effect on other senses like taste.  Dando suggests that there are further implications to this study beyond the noise of an airplane. This can make things taste better or worse depending on the environment.  As an example of this working we now experience some restaurants that use special soundtracks for the serving of their food.