Not Just Prunes: Foods to Help You Get Regular

Constipation is such a great topic to talk about. Who doesn’t like talking about hardened stool right? Well, 42 million people in the world are experiencing it so it’s definitely worth talking about.

Feeling backed up?

Bowel movements should be regular. Once or twice a week on the golden throne is not enough for most people and could be sign that there’s a problem. Conditions such as medications, bowel disease and hypothyroidism could be causing constipation. However, there are also other factors that come into play such as insufficient fiber and water consumption. Here are some foods that should help you become more regular:

1.     Popcorn

You probably didn’t know that popcorn could be healthy. That’s because our favorite movie theaters drench it in salt and melted butter. While delicious, it kind of cancels out any health benefits to popcorn when it’s swimming in fat. Try air-popping your popcorn instead.

2.     Kiwis

Fruits often contain a lot of fructose which can cause bloating and gas. However, certain types are not as high in fructose as others. Kiwis for example have lower sugar and higher fiber. At five grams per kiwi, you’ll be regular in no time.

3.     Prunes

Prunes are like big raisins but they are actually dried plums. Famous for stimulating bowel movement, prunes are rich in fiber and keep things moving along. At 1 gram of fiber per prune, you’re sure to hit your recommended fiber intake.


Oatmeal is great because it contains two types of dietary fiber: soluble and insoluble. Both types add bulk to your stool and help food pass efficiently through the digestive system. Top your oatmeal with some prunes and kiwi for a massive fiber haul.


The Japanese are on to something here. In one study on a small group of Japanese men and women, results showed that those who consumed the largest amount of rice were less likely to suffer from constipation. Opt for brown rice instead of white, as it has more fiber and is less processed. This means it contains more vitamins and minerals than its counterpart. Both are delicious and are certainly very easy to incorporate in one’s diet.