Keeping Sugar Out of Our Kids Drinks

Many toddlers spend their days drinking juice, which can be a healthy-but-sweet source of many important nutrients. As they get older, they tend to graduate to fruit-flavored drinks, soda and sports drinks. Flavored coffee drinks, sweetened tea and energy drinks are more popular with teens and even adults. Sugary drinks, fast food and processed foods in schools can all contribute to overweight and obesity in kids, which has been linked to numerous medical conditions. Unfortunately, sweetened drinks in childhood can lead to hard-to-kick sugar cravings and unhealthy habits.

According to one Harvard study, kids who drank higher calorie count drinks at home for a year gained more weight that kids who did not. Those who had received sugar-free drinks and counseling on reducing their consumption of sweetened beverages were more likely to gain less weight or even lose weight. Researchers revealed that American kids drink an average of three times the sweetened beverages as those consumed during the study, which indicates that sweetened beverages may play a major role in childhood overweight and obesity. Harvard researchers recommended that parents encourage their kids to choose healthier beverages from an early age.

Kids do not have to choose between flavor and health. Juice can be diluted with water to cut down on the amount of sugar involved while flavored milks can pack a powerful punch of both flavor and essential nutrients. Water is always a good choice. Water's flavor can be boosted by adding frozen berries, fresh slices of citrus fruit or even bits of cucumber or melon.

As children become more used to reaching for healthier beverage choices, they will become less likely to reach for unhealthy, sugar-filled options even when they are busy. Boost the health benefits of healthier drink choices by encouraging a well-rounded diet with plenty of fresh produce, whole grains and lean protein.

Inspiring Others

Inspiring others is one of the most rewarding paths we can choose as we move through the journey called life. That doesn't necessarily mean we have to aspire to a lofty goal, such as being a doctor in a third world country or donating large sums of money to charity. We can often make a difference in people's lives just by being an honest and hard working person that others can look up to. Think about some of the people who inspire you - it's quite possible that they have certain traits in common that you may have never really thought about.

Some of the enduring traits of those who inspire us include the ability to overcome fear, the tenacity to keep moving forward even when the odds are stacked against them, and a positive attitude. Of course, no one is happy all of the time, and everyone stumbles once in a while. However, there's no doubting the power of a positive mood. A smile can be worth so much to a person - it can brighten the day of those around us, even if they are complete strangers. People who inspire others know the value of a ready smile as well as the healing power of laughter.

One of the best ways to inspire people is to lead by example. This is particularly true for people who are trying to lose weight or get back into shape. Don't just say you're an advocate of leading a healthy lifestyle. If you are encouraging your family and friends (especially your children) to make lifestyle changes such as to exercise more or eat healthy foods, you should be doing the same. Don't just preach the lifestyle, be a good role model and live it. Show people through your actions that good health is attainable by living clean. This means eating foods that are nutritious and making time for exercise on a regular basis. Numerous studies have shown that parents who make it a point to live a healthy lifestyle have children who will do the same. And keep in mind that anyone, regardless of whether or not they are a parent, has the ability to be a positive role model for those around them.

Mental Disorders in Children

It is estimated that approximately 1 in 5 children in the United States suffer from some form of mental disorder. The spectrum ranges from minor learning disabilities that allow the child to lead a relatively normal life to severe retardation that results in complete dependence upon a caregiver.

A child who is affected by a mental disorder may not exhibit noticeable symptoms right away. Autism, for example, is a disorder that may disrupt a child's ability to receive and interpret information properly, forge relationships with parents and other children, interact with others and acquire language skills at an appropriate age. Approximately 1 in 88 children in the United States receive a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, though the problem may not be officially detected until the child reaches school age. Medical and psychiatric professionals continue to search for a definitive cause and cure of autism spectrum disorders, or ASD.

Unlike autism and a number of other mental disorders, certain factors in a child's environment may lead to the development of severe learning disabilities. Some causes that occur during fetal development include drug or alcohol use by the mother, certain medications ingested during pivotal points during pregnancy and traumatic injury to the mother's abdomen. In addition, pregnant women who are exposed to certain chemicals may give birth to babies who are at an increased risk for the development of a mental problems later in childhood.

The results of many studies point toward chemical exposure during early childhood as the potential cause of certain mental disorders. One of the most common is lead poisoning, which is most harmful to children before the age of six years, may even be fatal if levels of lead in the blood are high enough. More commonly, kids may experience unexplained weight loss, vomiting, irritability, constipation, excessive fatigue and, in many cases, learning disabilities. These may include delayed speech, inability to concentrate, hearing and memory loss, antisocial tendencies and difficulty reading and/or writing.

While the causes of many mental disorders remain unexplained and cures remain to be discovered, detecting key symptoms as early as possible allows parents, doctors and researchers to treat kids with these problems more effectively.


Severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS was initially reported in 2003 in Asia. The condition quickly spread across the globe and affected people in not just Asia but also Europe, North America and South America before finally being contained. There have been no known cases of the virus since 2004. However, a new SARS-like illness has appeared in the Middle East and Europe. This new outbreak has killed nearly 20 people since September 2012. Both conditions are caused by the coronavirus, and this new SARS-like virus is recalling vivid memories of the epidemic that swept across the globe sickening more than 8,000 people and killing 774.


SARS is believed to be spread through respiratory droplets that are sneezed or coughed and through close contact with infected people. A person may also be at risk by touching a surface that has been contaminated by infected droplets.

The condition generally begins with a high fever, headache, body aches and mild respiratory problems, much like symptoms of the flu. The condition quickly deteriorates, and most patients develop pneumonia within 2 to 7 days.


The WHO and the CDC worked closely together to address and eradicate the virus soon after the outbreak, which primarily affected Hong Kong and mainland China. Epidemiologists, medical professionals and other specialists were deployed to assist with investigations and test clinical specimens so that they could identify the source of the disease and contain it.

Although this new virus is considered to have the potential to become a pandemic, influenza, which kills up to half a million people every year, is more likely to lead to pandemics, according to the CDC. The 1918 Spanish flu killed an estimated 40 million people, and three other pandemic flu outbreaks have occurred since then.


Those who are most susceptible to this new outbreak are those who have traveled to an affected area as well as older people, those who are very young and those who have a weakened immune system. No vaccine exists against this virus, but you can protect yourself by washing your hands carefully and avoiding large groups of people. The CDC does not recommend face masks. If your doctor suspects you have been infected, he or she may recommend quarantine. He or she may also recommend tests to identify genetic markers, tests to identify antibodies and a chest X-ray to evaluate your lungs. Treatment with antipyretics can help control your fever.

Kidney Stone Prevention

A kidney stone typically causes severe pain within the middle to lower abdomen and may result in a high fever if left untreated and allowed to develop into an infection. While genetics have been shown to play a role in this condition, even individuals who are predisposed to kidney stones can take steps to reduce their risk of suffering from it.

Multiple studies have shown that diet is the single most important factor in the development of kidney stones. In order to prevent the initial formation of a stone, a specific diet plan must be followed. This may include reducing the amount of animal protein you ingest on a daily basis as well as decreasing your salt and calcium intake, as all of these have been shown to contribute to the condition. If your body weight exceeds the recommended standard for your height and age, it may be necessary to increase your physical activity level over time. Your doctor can help you determine what may be causing the recurrence of stones in your kidneys and advise you as to what types of foods you should remove from or add to your diet.

Prevention of Stones in the Kidneys

There are a variety of ways to prevent kidney stones that simultaneously enhance overall physical and mental health. Increasing your water intake improves all bodily functions, including increasing the efficiency of the digestive system and eliminating fat to fostering proper cell health and decreasing detrimental cholesterol levels. When you increase fluids in your daily diet, your body is better able to excrete waste and prevent the buildup of concentrated uric acid in your urine, both of which can lead to a number of health problems including stones in the kidneys.

Your doctor may wish to monitor your fluid intake over a period of months to ensure proper absorption of vitamins and minerals while you work toward a healthier urinary system. Depending on how and why your stones are forming, you may be advised to take various preventative measures on a regular basis. Two of the most common types of stones, struvite and cystine, are generally caused by pH imbalances and dietary factors. Your medical professional may perform multiple tests to definitively find out type of stones in order to formulate a fitting treatment plan.

Being a Good Sports Partner

Exercise is good for your physical health as well as your mental and emotional health. Exercising with a partner may actually increase those benefits. In sports such as volleyball and baseball, team members have to rely on one another in order to achieve their goal of scoring enough points to win games. And although running is mostly considered to be a solitary sport, there’s definitely something to be said about a supportive running partner.

Being a good sports partner means developing a healthy relationship based on common shared goals. It is grounded in the belief that being physically fit is a choice and must be something that is worked toward on a regular basis. There should also be a conscious development of mutual trust and understanding. A good partner will listen to you when you are complaining or losing heart, and then they will push you to do your best. Partners can help each other overcome hurdles and setbacks during training, and help them prepare for tough obstacles that may get in the way of achieving goals. 

Although there is little doubt that physical activity is good for health, it can also be very difficult to get or stay motivated. After all, it’s much easier to sit around and watch television rather than getting workout gear on and heading out to hit the trails or the gym. Being a good partner means that you know when to encourage someone to get up and get moving, and you also recognize that there are times when resting is just as important. This is useful if you are training for something specific, such as a race or some other type of fitness competition, as rest is important.

One of the benefits of regular exercise is how it can help us to become more mentally aware of the changes that are occurring within our bodies. As we build muscle and start to see improvements in the mirror, we are also contributing to a more positive outlook, both mentally and emotionally. This is most likely due to the endorphins that are released during exercise. Having a relationship with a like-minded exercise partner will increase those feelings, and that will help both people to keep moving forward.

Maintain Healthy Nails

Maintaining healthy nails is something we don't often think about until it's too late. However, with a little bit of attention to detail, we can keep our nails looking nice.

One of the best ways we can improve nail health is to stay hydrated. That means drinking plenty of water, because it helps overall body function in a number of areas. Also, be sure to file and trim your nails regularly. Be sure to trim correctly, as trimming too much can lead to a ingrown nail. Ingrown nails can be quite painful and sometimes require medical attention from a podiatrist.

Pay attention to your cuticles. If they are looking ragged, try putting a cream or ointment on them to help improve their appearance. Nails and cuticles can also be damaged by certain types of jobs. If you are in a profession where you have to wash your hands often or have them submerged in water regularly, try wearing some type of protection, such as rubber or latex gloves.

It is also important to pay attention to your toenails. Wearing wet shoes can contribute to a number of foot problems, so try to avoid it whenever possible. If you do get caught in a situation that results in your shoes getting wet, change into dry shoes as soon as possible. Most people wear cotton socks due to their positive attributes, including comfort and insulation. However, when cotton socks get wet, they no longer insulate your feet, nor do they let them "breathe" properly.

There are certain vitamins and supplements that are known to contribute to nail health. Zinc and biotin are two of the most well known, as well as Vitamin C. Eating a nutritious diet can help make sure you are getting adequate amounts in.  You may also choose to enlist the help of a professional, such as a nail care technician, who specializes in pedi and manicure sessions. This is a great way to not only pamper your nails, but also pamper yourself. Most pedi and manicure appointments include moisturizing treatments, and cuticle treatments, and are often quite enjoyable - whether you're male or female!

Finding Motivation

When every day feels the same as the day before and you find yourself bored with the mundane routine of simply going through the motions, it's time to make a change. Conjuring up the motivation and finding real inspiration in daily life can be challenging, but with the right tools and knowledge, it is possible to break out of that rut and begin enjoying life more fully.

Often referred to as "Groundhog Day Syndrome," the feeling that each day is repetitive and redundant is a common phenomenon among the working class and the retired community alike. While structure and routine are necessary parts of life, it is important to commit at least some of your time to stepping outside of the box. Set goals that involve engaging in activities you find enjoyable or that give your daily life a sense of purpose, such as volunteering in your community, taking a day off with your family or even just taking the time to relax and read for an evening. Make a list of these activities and reward yourself for each time you actually participate in something new and fun.

Once you've established your list and have managed to break free of your constant daily grind at least a few times, remember that remaining consistent is key to lasting happiness. Your enjoyment won't last if you allow yourself to fall back into old, mundane habits all over again. It helps to surround yourself with people who have similar interests and priorities. You can study together the various ways to hold onto this newer, more interesting lifestyle. Soon, you'll find that mastery of even a few more skills enhances your life more than you ever thought possible. Learn to celebrate the small successes every day and see how rewarding it can feel to branch out and continue to grow.

What is Love?

If you ask ten people for a description of the word love, you're probably going to get ten different answers. After all, there are many different kinds. For example, there is a parent's love for a child. That kind is unconditional and very different from the one that is shared by a couple who has been married for 50 years, right?

True love means caring for another person through thick and thin. It means supporting them in times of need, as well as letting them grow on their own. But don't we often do that in our relationships, no matter who they're with? So what is love? In order to build and maintain healthy relationships, we must also have mutual respect and trust. This is true in our romantic relationships as well as within our group of friends. It means learning to compromise, and it also means doing our best to support another person. This doesn't necessarily mean financial support, because whether or not you love a person should have nothing to do with how much money they have - or don't have. It simply means that all relationships rely on a certain amount of give and take to be successful.

Although we can survive without love, life is much more enjoyable when we engage in relationships that have the capacity to fulfill us emotionally. Having a diverse group of friends and family members and keeping in touch with them on a regular basis contributes to overall better mental health. Doing so can also keep us physically healthier and less prone toward certain conditions, including depression. One of the best things to remember is that this word has its own meaning for each individual. It has the capacity to make our lives richer and more enjoyable, and that is certainly something that makes life meaningful.

Hair Loss

Alopecia is the loss of hair on the scalp or any other part of the body in human males and females. Common causes include medical conditions like anemia and diabetes, poor nutrition, excessive stress, hereditary factors, imbalanced hormones, and cancer treatment that involves radiation.

In some cases, chemotherapy results in a condition called alopecia universalis, or the total loss of hair all over the body. Hair may regrow more slowly and even in a different texture than before due to permanent changes to the follicles. Alopecia areata refers to the sudden loss of hair in noticeable patches. This condition can be especially embarrassing, as it does not follow the normal pattern of baldness and conveys an appearance of unhealthiness or disease. It is not contagious but has been linked to hereditary factors, so children and grandchildren of affected individuals tend to be at a higher risk for developing the condition, also called spot baldness.

Anyone can suffer from thinning or falling hair, though statistics show that the balding population is comprised of mostly men. This is due to a variety of factors, many of which concern the male sex hormone testosterone. While women do carry trace amounts of testosterone in their bodies, it is not typically enough to cause negative side effects like hair loss. In some cases, however, these levels are elevated and female pattern baldness begins to develop in women as young as their early 20s.

DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, is male hormone that plays a key role in male pattern baldness and can actually cause follicles to shrink over time, limiting their function and resulting in progressive hair loss. A formula for an effective drug that combats excessive levels of DHT continues to be researched in an effort to provide balding men some sort of relief from their hair loss. Other treatments that have been shown to help stop the loss of hair and support regrowth include topical medications and shampoos, hair transplant and lifestyle changes, such as decreased brushing and styling.