Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Finding the Right Food Plan and What it Means for You

We have all heard that eating right and getting enough exercise are the keys to maintaining a healthy weight and staying healthy in general. Rather than simply going on a crash diet plan or deciding that you are going to only eat a select few foods, the way to make sure you are starting out with a sustainable eating plan. While one of the reasons you may be considering ways to improve your diet is that you want to lose weight, there are also many other health benefits of sticking with healthy eating, such as higher energy levels, improved overall mood and lowering your risk for many preventable diseases.

When you are picking the right food plan, you need to do more than simply figure out the unhealthy foods to eliminate from your diet. In addition to this, you need to find the specific foods that will boost your nutrient intake and help you fight off cravings throughout the day. As you find foods to eliminate, make sure to replace them with healthy, low-calorie alternatives. Along with eliminating unhealthy foods, you should pay attention to your portion control. Eating too much of relatively healthy foods can still contribute to weight gain. If you need help with portion control, you can try preparing your meals ahead of time using containers with the correct proportion sizes for your needs.

You should also think about your daily schedule and ask yourself if you are eating at the right times during the day. For example, if you are skipping breakfast every day and then snacking before lunch, this could be an opportunity to adjust your meal time and save on unhealthy calories. One of the best methods for portion control and a healthy eating schedule is to make sure that you eat breakfast during the day and then consume more frequent, smaller-sized meals rather than a massive lunch and dinner. Another cardinal rule is to avoid eating late at night because your metabolism will be slower.

While everyone may have different specific nutrient needs, a good general rule of thumb is to reduce the amount of sugar that you are eating during the day. Consider replacing sugary drinks with water and sugary foods with fruit as healthier alternatives. This will also help you stay fuller longer and avoid snacking on unhealthy choices in between meals. If you need a good transition from sugary drinks like soda to water, try switching to unsweetened iced tea first.

What Foods Boost Immune System

Fighting colds and flus doesn't have to be a yearly experience when you eat the proper foods. Explore some particular superfoods that actually boost your immune system and keep you healthy.

Your immune system is always ready for a fight as foreign cells enter your body on a daily basis. White-blood cells lead the charge as they try to balance the body into a healthy homeostasis. As you grow older, however, fighting off germs becomes difficult. There are some foods that you can eat, which will strengthen your immune system through enhanced vitamin resources.

Orange-Colored Produce

Molecular compounds called carotenoids are found in produce that's bright orange. Keep a healthy stock of sweet potatoes, carrots and squash in the house because the carotenoids within each of these items turns into vitamin A as the digestive system breaks them down. Your body uses this vitamin in an antioxidant capacity, which fights off infection as foreign cells invade your body. Other produce, such as pumpkin, is also rich in carotenoids. Simply look for colors as you shop, and adding vitamin A to your diet will be simple.


Oysters can be a secret weapon against sickness because they hold countless nutrients. Their main offering is zinc, which tends to calm inflammation down. When the body becomes inflamed, certain areas are so swollen that fighting off infection is often difficult. By reducing the inflammation, zinc allows the immune response to be more centralized to the foreign body. You also gain omega-3 fatty acids, protein and calcium from oysters. All of these essential nutrients improve the body's response to germs as it recovers from almost any sickness.


Although no foods can actually prevent sickness, citrus comes close to that ultimate dream. The vitamin C hidden within this food helps the body form defenses against invading germs. Scientists don't know exactly how vitamin C works for the immune system, but it seems to boost white-blood cells' strength against colds and flus. Try oranges, lemons and limes in your daily diet in order to achieve the best effects.


Vitamin B6 and potassium are both found in bananas. The vitamin alone is reason enough to eat at least one banana each day because it helps your body with hundreds of critical biochemical reactions. With cells that can react with ferocity, those invading germs can be killed off before they reproduce into huge numbers.


Get your fill of lean chicken cuts because they're rich in iron. This element is crucial to oxygen transport around the body. Without oxygen permeating your tissues, the immune system becomes weakened and allows germs to invade. Consider a chicken-based meal twice a week in order to gain the most iron out of this cut.

If fresh foods are hard to find at certain times of year, head toward the freezer aisle at the local grocery store. Frozen fruits, meats and vegetables have the same nutritional values as the items in the produce or meat sections. By being creative with your eating habits, the immune system can win out against almost any invader.

Change can be Difficult, But it's Worth It!

Staying on top of your health is one of the most important things you can do during rough periods of time. No matter whether you are dealing with an illness or trying to stop the development of one, taking a proactive approach towards your health always yields results. If you are not sure where to begin, consider some of these easy exercises and lifestyle changes you can make to live better and enjoy change at a slow, comfortable pace.

One of the most important things that all people can do to improve the quality of their health is to eat better. This means taking the time to look into nutritional information to make sure that you only put what you want into your body. Look for foods that are high in proteins and fibers and low in fats and calories to make the most out of your lifestyle.

Always exercise whenever you have the chance as well. When exercising comes to mind, many people think that it means taking time out of the day to do an entire routine. While this can bring about the best and most desired results, the fact of the matter is that any amount of exercise can help. Take a walk instead of driving, and take the stairs instead of the elevator and see what a difference it can make.

Limit the amount of alcohol that you drink as well. Alcohol, in moderation, can be a great way to enjoy some additional health benefits. However, drinking in excess can have the opposite effect. Reducing the frequency of other bad habits, such as smoking and taking recreational drugs can also have a profoundly positive effect on your health.

Finally, be sure to stay social and reduce stress. Keeping your overall stress levels low is one of the best ways for you to achieve a longer life. Stress is directly linked to a number of different diseases, and taking the time to relax and enjoy a slower pace can be tremendously beneficial. Take some time out of your busy day to enjoy the activities that reduce your stress levels and be sure to keep up with friends to improve your efforts further.

Centenarians Show that Health is the Key to Longevity

Centenarians Show that Health is the Key to Longevity
Centenarians Show that Health is the Key to Longevity

Summary: What is the secret to a healthy and long life? Centenarians share what they found out and help younger readers with a few long-term health tips.

Everyone wants to live as long as possible, but, often, few know where to start. A few obvious exercise and dieting goals may come to mind, but many younger health-conscious people may feel as though there is simply too much information to absorb. Fortunately, living healthy can be as easy as taking tips from those who already have: centenarians. Many elderly individuals shared their secrets, showing that healthy practices are the key to longevity.

Drink Plenty of Water

Every centenarian agrees: water is absolutely necessary. Don't just drink water when you think you've gone long enough without it, be sure to drink it regularly throughout the day. Drinking plenty of water is one of the best ways to regulate the body's processes and make sure that you are getting all of the necessary nutrients you need. Not only does water help in the nutritional delivery process, but it can also help remove harmful wastes and toxins from the body at an expedited rate, improving every other bodily function in the process.

Exercise Often

All centenarians discussed their active youths and put emphasis on the fact that they were still physically active to an extent, even in their present age. Whether it's weight-lifting, dancing or just taking a walk around the block, it is critical to remain physically active in order to improve the way your body functions as a whole. Physical activity trains the body's muscles and internal systems to always perform at their peak. Though there are numerous regimens and plans to maintain an active lifestyle, experts believe that as long as the body is moving, it doesn't matter what exercises you do!

Stay Social

Keeping up with friends and family is crucial throughout life. Studies show that there are numerous physical benefits that come with social ones. Those who have friends to talk with and enjoy good times with have reportedly experienced fewer stress-related problems. When staying social, the body enjoys a reduced overall level of stress and anxiety. Though many individuals concern themselves with overt issues, few realize that stress can be a silent killer. With stress and anxiety levels managed, the body is stronger and better equipped to handle other concerns.

Be Positive!

Finally, and perhaps most unsurprisingly, many centenarians believed that it was their positivity that helped them live a long and fulfilling life. Positivity, much like keeping up with friends and family, is a great way to reduce stress and improve the way the body functions. When individuals are more positive, their immune systems operate at their peak, resulting in a greatly reduced risk for a wide number of issues, including all types of diseases. With a little bit of positivity, many elderly people found that it was easier to motivate themselves to live a healthier lifestyle, such as eating right and enjoying regular walks.

Hoarding a True Society Problem

Hoarding is becoming a real problem for a large segment of the world population. 4% of the people of the world have some degree of hoarding tendencies. It isn’t just junk that people accumulate in their homes or on their property. The problem can be either inanimate or living animals, or both. It can seem like it is a simple issue, but hoarding is a form of compulsive behavior that goes far beyond collection or hobbies. Hoarding can become so invasive it takes over homes and have a negative impact on life and health.

 Collecting items can begin with simple things like figures, photographs, magazines, newspapers or legal items, but turn into the inability to get rid of anything, even old food, clothing or garbage. When dealing with this type of disorder, people can have trouble telling the difference between good and bad, and be blind to the clutter of possessions surrounding them.

Boxes and stacks of items, whether they are clean items or garbage can do more than just make an home cluttered or hard to navigate. It can actually cause structure damage to property as well. Buildings can be stressed by the extreme weight of piled up junk in a concentrated area. The over-collection of anything can also make it impossible to reach parts of rooms, see when outside damage has happened like roof leaks or other things that end up getting worse, and causing extra damage from water buildup. Excessive accumulation of items invites parasites and rodents to move in as well. Rats and mice love boxes, and so do roaches, ants and spiders.

Triggers for Hoarding

Hoarding can begin in early life, starting in teenage years and getting worse as people age. Other times, life situations are known for triggering the problem. In many instances, people who were otherwise normal suddenly began to accumulate things following severe trauma, abuse, divorce or due to depression. Most of the reasons for the disease are centered around anxiety and physical, social or financial loss.

Along with the health hazards of accumulating large amounts of stuff, the act of hoarding also triggers social distress, distrust of others and isolation. It has caused marital problems and destroyed marriages. Even loss of loved ones can’t make people who are determined to save useless items understand the need for parting with the accumulation.

Symptoms of Hoarding Personalities

Hoarders typically put off activities, have a hard time organizing items, have unusual attachments to inanimate objects or can’t throw things away regardless of value. They usually have a false sense of value regarding the things in their lives either financial or emotional. Other times, they just get a sense of security and safety from having things around them.

The desire to keep precious items until it is over-whelming can also get worse with age, and that makes it extra problematic as the piles are hazardous for elderly people to navigate. Cluttered rooms are also fire hazards for people of any age, and some insurance companies may refuse to cover homes that have blocked passages or doorways.

When people hoard animals they often have a hard time keeping up with regular care, and animal-borne diseases become a problem that can spread to areas outside the home and cause a health issue. Animal collectors have a high risk of exposure to ticks, fleas and other parasites as well.

When to Get Help

Hoarding becomes a health risk when cleaning is impossible around the stacks of items. Filthy conditions, or too many animals in one space can become a hazard from feces and urine accumulation, but that isn’t the only time when animal waste is an issue. The stacks of items that are rodent attractions get soaked with urine that builds up.

The biggest health risk is ammonia inhalation and constant exposure that can cause lung damage, asthma or bronchitis. When people have a hoarding problem, they usually need intervention before they get help. Because it is a compulsive disorder, CBT is usually the best form of therapy in resolving the issues surrounding the behavior. Cognitive behavioral treatment can be done as an outpatient in most cases.

Along with depression, it has been linked to ADHD types of hyperactivity. People who have difficulties with attention and are indecisive can develop a problem with deciding what is important and what is not. In those cases, hoarding goes beyond special items and turns into collecting and saving everything, even plastic bags and household supplies.

7 Reasons to Eat Bananas

Bananas are full of important nutrients and are among the most popular fruits around the world. They grow in 107 countries, and Americans eat more bananas than oranges and apples combined.

There are many potential benefits of eating bananas.

1.   Blood Pressure
Increasing potassium intake can be just as important for blood pressure as decreasing sodium intake. What's more? Consuming large amounts of potassium is associated with a 20 percent lower risk of dying early from any cause.
2.   Asthma
According to a study conducted in London, children who consume just one banana a day were 34 percent less at risk of developing asthma.
3.   Cancer
Eating oranges and bananas during your first two years can reduce the likelihood of childhood leukemia. Bananas are a good source of vitamin C and thus help fight the free radicals that cause cancer. In addition, the fiver provided by bananas helps reduce risk of colorectal cancer.
4.   Heart Health
The vitamin C and B6, potassium, and fiver all work together to support cardiovascular health. High potassium intake is also associated with lower risk for stroke, as well as reduction in kidney stones, and preservation of bone mineral density.
5.   Diabetes
The fiber types found in bananas help lower and moderate blood sugar, lipid, and insulin levels.
6.   Memory and Mood
It's not just your Thanksgiving turkey that has tryptophan. Bananas are also a great source of this amino acid which is believed to help preserve memory and boost mood.
7.   Treating Diarrhea

The electrolytes are lost in large quantities when someone has diarrhea. Bananas help promote regularity in the digestive system and also help replenish potassium in the body.

Study: Yoga Safe for Pregnant Women

According to a new, small study, yoga is safe for expectant moms even late into a pregnancy.

The research proved yoga poses do not appear to create stress on the baby or the mom. Researchers used real-time measurements to show yoga postures did not negatively affect blood pressure, heart rate, or other vital signs.

The study was published in December 2015 in Obstetrics & Gynecology.

Researchers reported the findings provide reassurance that the often-exotic-looking poses seen in yoga classes are safe for pregnant women.

However, modifications are often necessary. For example, pregnant women may need to use chairs, blocks, or the wall to balance or support themselves. This study also does not suggest women walk into advanced classes where participants are kicking their legs into a handstand.

A beginner-level or prenatal yoga class that moves at a slow or moderate pace are excellent ways for women to de-stress and get exercise while pregnant. In a healthy pregnancy, exercise at moderate intensity is very important. These findings help reinforce existing evidence of that assertion.

Yoga continues to gain popularity in the United States. More than 20 million Americans now practice yoga. That number includes pregnant women, though there is still limited research on the safety and health of practicing yoga during pregnancy.

The research team observed 25 healthy women who were between n35 and 28 weeks pregnant. Some were total beginners, some had some experience, and some practiced yoga regularly.

Each participant did a one-on-one yoga class with a teacher, during which they moved through 26 different yoga poses. Monitors tracked their vitals, including uterine contractions, blood oxygen levels, and heart rate.

Postures were standing, seated, reclining, one-legged, and also downward facing dog. No pose caused a worrisome change in vitals for the women or their babies. Moreover, there were no falls or injuries.

There are different types of yoga, some of which are not safe while pregnant. For example, women should not practice "hot yoga" or Bikram yoga during pregnancy. It's okay for pregnancy women to work hard enough to sweat, but avoid heated rooms. 

Watching Too Much Television Leads to Early Death

According to a new study, too much time in front of the television is a leading cause of death in the United States.
Background information provided in the study states 92 percent of households in the United States have televisions in their homes, and 80 percent of Americans watch 3.5 hours daily of television, on average.
TV is the most prevalent manner to spend sedentary, leisure time. The researcher’s hypothesis is that the amount of time spent watching TV is indicative of a person’s overall physical activity--or lack thereof. The results of this study join a growing amount of research supporting the idea that sitting too much is detrimental to health.
Researchers followed over 221,000 individuals from age 50 to age 71 for 15 years. At the start of the study, no participant had any chronic disease(s).
The more time spent in front of the TV, the more likely a participant was to die from cancer, diabetes, flu/pneumonia, heart disease, Parkinson’s, or liver disease, according to the study’s findings.
Risk of early death was 15 percent higher for individuals who watched 3-4 hours each day and 47 percent higher for individuals who watched more than seven hours. Researchers took into account risk factors like alcohol intake, calorie intake, health problems, and smoking.
However, this study proved only association between TV viewing and early death by these diseases.
The death risk was associated with both inactive and active individuals in the study. Exercise was not found to eliminate risks with sitting and watching television for extended periods of time. Rather time spent sitting must be replaced with active time.

This study joins others regarding the risks to our health of sitting too much.

Depression, Find the Cause that May Surprise You

Could depression really be all in your head? New research reveals that brain inflammation may be to blame for your depressed feelings. Those who are depressed have 30 percent more markers of inflammation compared to those who do not. The study, which was performed by the University of Toronto’s Center for Addiction and Mental Health, used PET scans to measure immune cell activation and inflammatory responses. Those who were severely depressed were found to have the highest amount of inflammation. In the past, researchers had found that inflammation associated with other health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, autoimmune disease and other chronic illnesses could trigger inflammation in the brain and depressed feelings.

This is the first link between inflammation in the brain without other illnesses and a depressed mood. While this new research shines a powerful light on what causes this perplexing, often disabling illness, we also know that it is a complex mental condition that involves biological changes such as hormones or variations in brain chemistry and environmental and genetic factors. Some people may have a single trigger, such as a job loss or death in the family, while others may experience a cycle, such as those who suffer from seasonal affective disorder.

 Other factors in feeling blue can include diet, lack of sleep, too much sitting and cold weather or temperatures where you live. Smoking, excessive drinking and a poor diet can make it worse. Even social media can play a role in our mental and emotional wellbeing. If you are feeling depressed, you can take steps to feel better. Many people find relief in simple lifestyle changes. Try to spend some time outside in the sun every day, preferably while being physically active. Eat a nutrient-rich balanced diet, and kick the bad habits that may be holding you back.

 Evaluate your sleeping habits to identify those things that could be keeping you from getting a good night’s sleep. Find a hobby, learn something new, get involved in your community and spend some time doing something you really love. Changing your lifestyle can help you feel better but may not be enough for all depressed people. You may benefit from anti-inflammatory supplements, such as vitamins A, B6, C, D, E and K. Talk to your doctor about prescription medications. Because about 25 percent of people experience no relief from the first medication they try, let your doctor know if your medication does not seem to be working within a reasonable amount of time.

Information about E-cigarettes

The use of e-cigarettes, also known as "vaping" has increased exponentially in recent years. These devices were originally marketed as a safer alternative to regular cigarettes. They were also marketed as a way for smokers to perhaps quit smoking. There are both positive aspects and drawbacks to the e-cigarette craze, but many people in the medical field still warn against the possible health effects associated with them. 

There are so many risks involved with smoking yet people still do it. This addiction can lead to several diseases such as cancer of the throat and mouth, emphysema, and myeloid leukemia. This insidious disease is a fast moving and fast growing cancer that affects the bone marrow and the blood. It is rare and often isn't caught until later stages because the symptoms are similar to other illnesses, including the flu. After diagnosis, treatment often includes chemotherapy and perhaps a stem cell transplant. Neither methods are pleasant and both often require long bouts of hospitalization. 

If you want information on the effects of what's actually within the liquid cartridges in e-cigarettes, the area is still a little unclear. There haven't been too many studies on these devices, but researchers from a study associated with the U.S National Institute of Health have warned that teens who use them are at higher risk to becoming addicted to nicotine. And while the e-cigarettes may not have all of the other cancer causing chemicals in them, they certainly do have nicotine - and that's certainly just one danger of cigarettes. 

Basically the only real way to avoid illness associated from nicotine use is to avoid it altogether. "Smoking" an e-cig or vapor cigarette still allows for a risk of disease and serious illness. The only real way to to cut the number of deaths associated with tobacco use is to just never start smoking at all, no matter if it's regular cigarettes or e-cigarettes. However, if you must smoke, it may be beneficial to switch to e-cigarettes to help you kick the habit and/or to lower your risk of developing some diseases. It is a risk that only you know for sure if you want to take - just be sure to be an informed consumer.