Showing posts with label Habits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Habits. Show all posts

6 Habits To Help Relieve Stress in the New Year

The right kind of stress can be motivating in small doses but overwhelming when it gets out of control. The suggestions below are all ways you can work to relieve stress in the new year. 


You don't have to train for a marathon in order to get benefits from exercise. An after-dinner walk, gardening or taking a class in something ranging from tai chi to swing dancing to water aerobics and more are all ways to increase the physical movement in your life. 


Most people do not get enough sleep. If you have not been prioritizing sleep, you should start to do so. If you struggle to get enough sleep, the new year might be the time to see a physician about your sleeping habits and maybe even schedule a sleep study. 


Some studies have found that journaling can be as beneficial as talk therapy for some people. Some people like to write in the morning and discard what they've written as a way to work out stressful emotions and thoughts without having to hold onto them. 

Eat Wisely

Unfortunately, trying to eat healthily can be source of stress itself for many people. The key here is to allow yourself to be moderate and indulge from time to time. You don't have to eat perfectly based on the latest scientific information. Regularly eating a variety of foods and increasing the amount of fruit, vegetables and whole grains can all be beneficial and can help relieve stress. 

Reduce Bad Habits

As with eating better, this does not have to be all-or-nothing. If giving up smoking feels too overwhelming right now, trying cutting back. You can reduce the amount of sugar you eat without removing it from your life entirely.

Enjoy Yourself

Beware of too many "shoulds," including stress reduction itself being a thing you have to do. Whatever it is you love to do most, whether it is reading in a hot bath, meeting up with friends, playing with your pets or something else, you should build time into your life for it. 

The new year is a great time to introduce strategies for stress reduction. You can gradually add the above items to your life to relieve stress in the year ahead. 

Healthy Habits can Fight Even Genetic Heart Disease

A new study involving more than 55,000 adults looked at the effect of four lifestyle factors on the incidence of heart disease. The conclusion: Even those with a known genetic predisposition to heart disease can influence the outcome by avoiding unhealthy habits and pro-actively developing healthy ones.

The study assigned a risk factor based in part on whether or not participants carried any of 50 genes known to be associated with increased risk of heart disease. It also looked at the four following healthy lifestyle factors:

  1. No current smoking
  2. Lack of obesity (BMI less than 30)
  3. If they engaged in physical exercise at least once a week
  4. Healthy dietary pattern

Participants were ranked based on the number of healthy lifestyle factors they had. The study found that although genetic factors can dramatically increase the risk of heart disease -- by as much as 90 percent in some cases -- every health lifestyle factor helped reduce the risk.

This runs counter to what many people believe about genetic health factors. Most people wrongly believe that if you have "bad" genes, there is no fighting it. You might as well throw in the towel.

But this is not true. Diet and lifestyle make a significant impact on health outcomes, even for those individuals born at high risk due to known genetic factors. The more positive lifestyle factors, the more positive impact.

If you have genetic factors for heart disease, you can work on reducing your risk by doing the following things:

Eat Healthy
This means fewer processed foods and more fresh fruits and vegetables. It also means avoiding saturated fats, trans fat and cholesterol. Limit salt and sugar and eat a high fiber diet.

Be Active
You should exercise at least once a week. But you should also avoid sitting for excessive periods of time. If you work a desk job, get up and walk around a little every hour or so. Your heart will thank you.

Maintain a Healthy Weight
If you are underweight or overweight, work on gradually getting to a healthy weight. Then work at maintaining a healthy weight. Yo-yo dieting -- losing weight and then packing it back on -- is worse than just carrying a few too many pounds.

Avoid Tobacco and Limit Alcohol Use
If you smoke or use other tobacco products, give it up. Drink alcohol only in moderation.

Contrary the popular belief that genetic predisposition to heart disease is destiny, new studies are showing that lifestyle factors can help mitigate genetic risk. If you are at high risk, eat right, exercise, keep your weight down and avoid tobacco.

Change can be Difficult, But it's Worth It!

Staying on top of your health is one of the most important things you can do during rough periods of time. No matter whether you are dealing with an illness or trying to stop the development of one, taking a proactive approach towards your health always yields results. If you are not sure where to begin, consider some of these easy exercises and lifestyle changes you can make to live better and enjoy change at a slow, comfortable pace.

One of the most important things that all people can do to improve the quality of their health is to eat better. This means taking the time to look into nutritional information to make sure that you only put what you want into your body. Look for foods that are high in proteins and fibers and low in fats and calories to make the most out of your lifestyle.

Always exercise whenever you have the chance as well. When exercising comes to mind, many people think that it means taking time out of the day to do an entire routine. While this can bring about the best and most desired results, the fact of the matter is that any amount of exercise can help. Take a walk instead of driving, and take the stairs instead of the elevator and see what a difference it can make.

Limit the amount of alcohol that you drink as well. Alcohol, in moderation, can be a great way to enjoy some additional health benefits. However, drinking in excess can have the opposite effect. Reducing the frequency of other bad habits, such as smoking and taking recreational drugs can also have a profoundly positive effect on your health.

Finally, be sure to stay social and reduce stress. Keeping your overall stress levels low is one of the best ways for you to achieve a longer life. Stress is directly linked to a number of different diseases, and taking the time to relax and enjoy a slower pace can be tremendously beneficial. Take some time out of your busy day to enjoy the activities that reduce your stress levels and be sure to keep up with friends to improve your efforts further.