Showing posts with label skin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skin. Show all posts

Seven Reasons to Treat Yourself to a Facial

Feeling like your skin could use some TLC? Here are seven reasons why you should consider visiting a professional once a month to get a rejuvenating a facial:

  1. Skin aestheticians know how to clear your pores the right way. You may have all kinds of face creams and scrubs on your bathroom counter, but these products won’t get your pores 100 percent clear. Professional aestheticians have the tools and the experience to unclog your pores in ways you just can’t do yourself.
  2. A facial can help you say goodbye to breakouts. Dermatologists and skin aestheticians can clear up even the most tenacious forms of acne by providing targeted treatments. They know how to get rid of pimples the right way to reduce irritation and scarring. Exfoliation treatments provided by professionals can help prevent future acne outbreaks and ensure long-lasting clear skin.
  3. Facials take skin moisturizing to the next level. Even if you moisturize every day, your skin could always use some intense hydration. A professional aesthetician can evaluate your skin type and identify what kind of hydration treatment you need, while taking into consideration your skin’s natural levels of oil and moisture.
  4. Your skin will be smoother than ever. No matter what type of facial you get, you will always receive some intense exfoliation as part of the process. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells from your face, leaving your skin feeling smooth and refreshed.
  5. A good facial always includes a calming massage for your face and neck. In addition to making you feel relaxed, this massage also increases blood flow to your face and neck, which helps tone your facial muscles.
  6. The more you know about your skin, the better. A visit to a skin aesthetician is a great opportunity to address any issues you’ve experienced with your skin. If the facial itself doesn’t clear up these problems, a good aesthetician can give you advice for how to keep your skin looking and feeling healthy.
  7. A facial gives you some much needed self-care and relaxation. Not only will you feel more confident in your skin health and appearance, a facial gives you time to recharge mentally.

If you’ve had a stressful week, your acne has been acting up, or you just want to pamper yourself, do yourself a favor and get a facial. Your skin will thank you for it.

Benefits of Exfoliation for Skin During Cold Winter Months

Exfoliation is the act of scrubbing away dead skin cells on the scalp and body. Exfoliation and pore cleaning are common beauty regimens that are great in the wintertime when low humidity, arid rooms and cold air add to the havoc on the body.

Dry cells left on the surface of the body cause itchy, tight, dull and flaky appearance. Flaked epidermis can develop red patches and is vulnerable to cracking and injury. Bathing isn’t enough to get rid of the red patches or flaky cells. In fact, bathing and washing in excess can aggravate the situation worse. The trick is to draw out moisture from deep inside and help the epidermis rejuvenate naturally.

Regular soaps are also drying agents that can cause more dead cells, however there are soaps especially made to help draw out moisture and lubricate the surface area.

Hydroxyl Acid Exfoliant and Scrubs

There are many things people can do to speed up the exfoliation process. Hydroxyl acid exfoliant and salt scrubs all help increase the benefits of cleansing agents. Some preparations can be applied to a cold wearer and others need to be applied to a warm or damp surface to be useful.

Some need to be repeated regularly, applying once a week to a cold wearer, or once a week to a warm body. Olive oil is a common home products that can help the body keep its supple, soft appearance, although many commercial scalp and body products increase the likelihood of a glowing complexion and provide collagen stimulation.

When rooms have low humidity, a humidifier helps keep air quality better for the inside and outside of the body. Even with air improvements, the skin is still vulnerable, and anti-aging products are helpful at any time of the year. Even though wintertime is the most part of the year that people think about needing to relieve dryness, it is also a good idea in the summer time.

Other Benefits of Exfoliation

People sometimes try to combat these issues with moisturizers. Cold weather can make moisturizer disappear quickly, and cause it to lose its effectiveness. Along with looking better, providing anti-aging properties, removing dead cells, giving people a glowing complexion and increasing cell turnover, exfoliation improves circulation to the upper layers of the body. It is what gives the face and other areas of the body a youthful, healthy glow.

By avoiding washing in excess and using hydroxyl acid exfoliant agents, olive oil, salt scrubs or other collagen stimulation products people can relive itchy and red areas, prevent moisture and moisturizer absorption and get better pore cleaning.

Improving Cell Turnover and Circulation

Exfoliation products help the body look better, but most are best used with warm water. The heat of warm water further opens pores and allows dull, tight epidermis to feel better, and reduces moisturizer absorption and the havoc cold weather causes.