The right kind of stress can be motivating in small doses but overwhelming when it gets out of control. The suggestions below are all ways you can work to relieve stress in the new year.
You don't have to train for a marathon in order to get benefits from exercise. An after-dinner walk, gardening or taking a class in something ranging from tai chi to swing dancing to water aerobics and more are all ways to increase the physical movement in your life.
Most people do not get enough sleep. If you have not been prioritizing sleep, you should start to do so. If you struggle to get enough sleep, the new year might be the time to see a physician about your sleeping habits and maybe even schedule a sleep study.
Some studies have found that journaling can be as beneficial as talk therapy for some people. Some people like to write in the morning and discard what they've written as a way to work out stressful emotions and thoughts without having to hold onto them.
Eat Wisely
Unfortunately, trying to eat healthily can be source of stress itself for many people. The key here is to allow yourself to be moderate and indulge from time to time. You don't have to eat perfectly based on the latest scientific information. Regularly eating a variety of foods and increasing the amount of fruit, vegetables and whole grains can all be beneficial and can help relieve stress.
Reduce Bad Habits
As with eating better, this does not have to be all-or-nothing. If giving up smoking feels too overwhelming right now, trying cutting back. You can reduce the amount of sugar you eat without removing it from your life entirely.
Enjoy Yourself
Beware of too many "shoulds," including stress reduction itself being a thing you have to do. Whatever it is you love to do most, whether it is reading in a hot bath, meeting up with friends, playing with your pets or something else, you should build time into your life for it.
The new year is a great time to introduce strategies for stress reduction. You can gradually add the above items to your life to relieve stress in the year ahead.