Showing posts with label 6. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 6. Show all posts

6 Habits To Help Relieve Stress in the New Year

The right kind of stress can be motivating in small doses but overwhelming when it gets out of control. The suggestions below are all ways you can work to relieve stress in the new year. 


You don't have to train for a marathon in order to get benefits from exercise. An after-dinner walk, gardening or taking a class in something ranging from tai chi to swing dancing to water aerobics and more are all ways to increase the physical movement in your life. 


Most people do not get enough sleep. If you have not been prioritizing sleep, you should start to do so. If you struggle to get enough sleep, the new year might be the time to see a physician about your sleeping habits and maybe even schedule a sleep study. 


Some studies have found that journaling can be as beneficial as talk therapy for some people. Some people like to write in the morning and discard what they've written as a way to work out stressful emotions and thoughts without having to hold onto them. 

Eat Wisely

Unfortunately, trying to eat healthily can be source of stress itself for many people. The key here is to allow yourself to be moderate and indulge from time to time. You don't have to eat perfectly based on the latest scientific information. Regularly eating a variety of foods and increasing the amount of fruit, vegetables and whole grains can all be beneficial and can help relieve stress. 

Reduce Bad Habits

As with eating better, this does not have to be all-or-nothing. If giving up smoking feels too overwhelming right now, trying cutting back. You can reduce the amount of sugar you eat without removing it from your life entirely.

Enjoy Yourself

Beware of too many "shoulds," including stress reduction itself being a thing you have to do. Whatever it is you love to do most, whether it is reading in a hot bath, meeting up with friends, playing with your pets or something else, you should build time into your life for it. 

The new year is a great time to introduce strategies for stress reduction. You can gradually add the above items to your life to relieve stress in the year ahead. 

6 Exercises to Tone Up Your Lower Body

You may walk to many places as the retirement years settle in, but that fact doesn't mean that your lower body is any stronger. In fact, you might have extra weight or a bony structure to your legs. A balanced mixture of muscles, strong bones and fat should make up your legs so that balance and longevity are possible into your mature years. Tone up with these lower body exercises that are sure to improve your health.

1. Ballet Dips

Stand with your feet slightly hip-width apart with the toes facing outward at a 45-degree angle. Make sure a chair or wall is close enough to touch with your hands for stability. Carefully squat down until you feel a comfortable strain in your thighs or quadriceps. Lift back up and rest. Repeat this exercise several times for stronger legs.

2. Fire Hydrants

Lay a mat on the floor. Get down on your hands and knees. Tone up your legs and buttocks by lifting one leg for 10 to 12 repetitions. Repeat this motion with the other leg. The lifting action resembles a dog visiting a fire hydrant, which is where the name originates from.

3. Swim Kicks

Hop in the pool, and grab a kickboard. Your legs can be the star of the show when you isolate all of the swimming action to your lower section. Try several strokes, such as freestyle and breaststroke, by only using your legs for propulsion. The resistance of the water gives you an extraordinary workout.

4. The Lunge

The lunge may not be your favorite exercise from the past, but it's highly effective. Begin with one leg out in front of you and bend at a 90-degree angle. Hold the opposite leg behind you for support. Be careful to keep your front leg's knee over the ankle at all times. Drop downward so that your weight transfers to the front leg. Lift back up and rest.

5. Stamina Squats

Holding an exercise in place is difficult, and it challenges the muscle to work harder than ever before. Perform a squat, but hold the motion at the bottom of the effort. Continue to hold this position for 10 to 20 seconds. Release it and rest. With time and practice, you should be able to hold it for longer each time.

6. Walking Uphill

If floor exercises aren't exciting you one day, take your workout to the outdoors. Look for a moderate hill to walk up for at least 10 minutes. The uphill effort creates resistance as you strengthen your legs with each walk.

Staying active in any capacity is the key to warding off extra weight and certain ailments into retirement. Tone up with a friend so that you're always encouraging each other. Buddy systems during your lower body exercises will only get you to your goal much faster than as an individual.