How Manuka Honey Might Be an Antibiotic Superhero

Recently, scientists identified yet another natural substance as a powerful agent for healing deadly infections. According to respected researchers, manuka honey helps make bacterial infections less resistant to antibiotics. Because microbes with strong resistance are now seen frequently, manuka honey (MH) could well become a major tool for fighting infection and disease worldwide. Bee honey has been used as a traditional disinfectant the thousands of years. When pressed against an open wound, bee honey undergoes a chemical reaction that produces disinfectant hydrogen peroxide. This chemical reaction is one of the marvels of nature.

When scientists learned to mass-produce hydrogen peroxide and antibiotics, treating wounds with honey became far less common. Though derived from tree nectar, MH was long thought to use the same medicinal mechanism as bee honey. New Zealand Professor P. Molan dispelled this long-held notion. Back in the 1980s, Molan discovered that even after its hydrogen peroxide content was removed, MH continued to kill infections with ease. Despite the sensational nature of Molan's discovery, mainstream manuka research essentially stood still until 2008. That year, two independent laboratories found that MH contains methylglyoxal (MGO), a naturally occurring chemical that has powerful antimicrobial capabilities.

Further testing has shown that MH can destroy so-called "superbugs,"' which are defined as bacteria resistant to multiple types of antibiotics. Specifically, MH has great potential to treat the microbial causes of strep throat and staph infection. There couldn't be a better time for humanity to discover new ways to combat antibiotic resistance. For a variety of reasons, this is a grim time for those who specialize in fighting infectious diseases. Due to people relying too heavily on antibiotics, superbugs are becoming shockingly common. Crucially, scientists have never seen a single case where microbes have developed resistance to MH. Even after much effort in the laboratory, researchers have never been able to artificially induce such a resistance. 

There are dozens of types of manuka trees with differing characteristics. Found in Australia and New Zealand, different manuka species have different concentrations of life-saving MGO. Above and beyond its powerful disinfectant properties, MH can reduce inflammation, reduce scarring and remove dead tissues from healing wounds. Though scientists are continuing to research MH, completed research has already vindicated the medicinal qualities of this substance. Considering the fact that MH is relatively affordable, more people should use MH to treat infections, ulcers and minor burns. When using MH medicinally, make sure to use sterile product.

It is strange and unfortunate that it took so many years for mainstream scientists to confirm the potency of MH. One has to wonder how many other natural remedies have been dismissed out of hand for far too long. Some commentators believe that medical researchers simply do not have the right incentives to investigate organic remedies. Because it grows freely in nature, natural medicine is less amenable to corporate control then chemical synthesized in a sophisticated laboratory. Perhaps it is only natural that most pharmaceutical companies would prefer to ignore natural compounds in their quest for profits. Nevertheless, it is clear that the natural world has a lot to offer humanity in terms of new medicines.

How Much Exercise Do We Need?

For many Americans, trying to find the time to exercise is a constant challenge. The stresses of everyday life often lead many people to fall short of their workout goals. It is no secret that living an active lifestyle leads to better health, which is why you should you learn how to increase the efficiency of your workouts. The best place to start is by identifying your fitness goals, which might include cutting body fat, strength training or increasing your body size. 

Maintaining Your Health
If your workout goals are to maintain your overall health, there are some very simple guidelines you can follow from the Mayo Clinic and the American Heart Association. The AHA provides workout guidelines for cardiovascular health and lowering your cholesterol and blood pressure. The guidelines are as follows:

• Cardiovascular Health- At least 150 minutes per week of moderately intense aerobic workouts and a minimum of two days per week of intense strength training. The AHA recommends you break up your aerobic workouts into 30 minute cycles five days per week.

• Lowering Cholesterol and Blood Pressure- A minimum of 40 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity three or four times per week.

The Mayo Clinic recommends that you do strength training at least two time per week and to target all your major muscle groups. The recommendation also includes performing a single set of 12 to 15 repetitions for each of your muscle groups. The Mayo Clinic's recommendation for cardiovascular health is the same as the recommendation from the American Heart Association.

Moderate aerobic workouts include taking a brisk walk, swimming or working in your yard. Vigorous aerobic activity includes running, dancing, interval training and cardio sessions on workout equipment such as elliptical trainers and treadmills.

Cutting Body Fat
If your workout goals are to get your body looking lean and trim by cutting fat, then you will need to increase the intensity of your exercises. You should concentrate on training your whole body at a minimum of three to four times a week. Your workouts need to include large movements that expend a lot of energy. You need to allow adequate time for your body to recover so it can restore all that lost energy. Give your body a full day of recovery or include some light aerobic activity in between your intense workout sessions.

Training for Size and Strength
If you want to bulk up and increase your body strength, you need to exercise at least four times per week using the three most common strength training workouts, deadlifting, bench pressing and squatting. You will need to include heavy sets in your training regimen, so do not forget to give your body adequate recovery time. Make sure that you do not go overboard when you train for size and strength. If you work out too much, it could have an adverse effect on your body and keep you from your fitness goals. Some signs of overtraining include lack of sleep, lowered strength, an increase in body fat and water retention.

The amount of exercise you need all depends on your workout goals. If you just want to live a healthier lifestyle, the workout recommendations from the Mayo Clinic and the AHA combined with a proper diet should be more than enough to reach your goals.

Motivating Yourself To Get Up When It's Cold

Motivating yourself on a cold morning isn’t always easy because you may want to hibernate underneath your bed’s warm blankets for the entire day. There are several reasons why your mind and body react negatively to cold temperatures. In the past, it wasn’t safe for someone to venture out on a cold winter day because humans didn’t have climate-control equipment. Your body and mind will slow down naturally in cold weather in order to conserve your energy. However, there are ways to make it easier to get out of bed when it is cold. 

Motivation Tip 1: Have a Specialized Light Box

If your circadian rhythms are disrupted by the lack of sunlight along with the changes in daylight saving time, then buy a specialized light box to use at home or in your office. By turning on a bright light box early in the morning, you can regulate your brain’s circadian rhythms to create additional physical energy in the morning.

Motivation Tip 2: Schedule a Fun Activity Early In the Day

When getting out of bed on cold winter mornings seems impossible, make sure to schedule a fun activity earlier in the day. If you know that there is something enjoyable to do, then it is easier to wake earlier in the morning. You might want to enroll in a class at a local community college, or you can get involved in a group that enjoys the same type of hobbies that you enjoy.

Motivation Tip 3: Have a Timed Furnace Thermostat

If your bedroom is warmer in the morning, then it is easier to get moving earlier. Install a timed thermostat on your furnace so that the climate-control equipment turns on before your alarm clock wakes you up. Instead of waking up to a cold bedroom, your home is going to be cozy, encouraging you to get outside first thing in the morning.

Motivation Tip 4: Consume a Nutritious Diet

Continue to eat a nutritious diet in the winter to have more energy. Motivating yourself with a healthy diet will also help to prevent infections from colds and influenza that can deplete your energy levels. Make sure to consume as many fruits and vegetables as possible in the winter while avoiding poor-quality foods such as pastries.

Motivation Tip 5: Have an Exercise Routine

It is important to have an exercise routine in the winter when it is cold. If you can’t go outside to ride a bicycle, then enjoy a walk at a shopping mall. Alternatively, you can buy a gym membership. In addition, have exercise equipment at home so that you can engage in physical activity when the weather is inclement.

Motivation Tip 6: Maintain a Regular Schedule

Motivating yourself on cold days in the winter is easier when you maintain a regular schedule each day. Go to bed at the same time so that you feel rested enough in the morning to wake up despite the cold temperatures. Also, make sure to consume your meals and snacks at the same time to maintain your energy levels.

The Excellence of Butternut Squash and Why it Should be in Your Diet


Though butternut squash is native to North America, this versatile, healthy food has achieved acceptance throughout the world. Because butternut squash (BSQ) is loaded with vitamins and minerals, this food benefits human health in quite a few ways. Here are some of the proven benefits of eating BSQ:

1. Better Eye Health
If you are determined to keep your vision strong throughout your life, you'd be well-advised to eat plenty of BSQ. This food contains four separate chemicals in the carotenoid family. Besides protecting your eyes from macular degeneration, carotenoids get converted into vitamin A within your body. 

2. Better Digestion
Keeping your digestive system working well is important if you hope to maintain your quality of life over the decades. Because it contains plenty of fiber, BSQ ensures that your digestion will remain regular and reliable. Furthermore, a diet high in fiber can help reduce your chances for having a painfully inflamed colon. 

3. Reduced Birth Defect Risk
Dietary experts advise pregnant women to eat BSQ and reduce their chances of experiencing birth defects. Because it contains plenty of folic acid and vitamin B, BSQ can reduce the occurrence of neural tube problems and spina bifida. 

4. Circulation Benefits
As medical science has clearly demonstrated, good circulation promotes a healthier body in several ways. BSQ contains a lot of iron, a mineral that helps your body produce more red blood cells. In modern society, too many people have undiagnosed cases of anemia. Caused by an iron deficiency, anemia is a potentially dangerous condition. Symptoms of anemia include physical weakness, feelings of fatigue and confused thinking. If you eat plenty of BSQ, you can keep your blood healthy and circulating properly. 

5. Denser, Healthier Bones
BSQ contains a variety of minerals that encourage healthier, stronger bones. These important minerals include potassium, manganese and all-important calcium. Though healthy foods like BSQ are helpful in all stages of your life, strong bones are particularly important for people who are 50 or older. For older people, osteoporosis and bone breakage are two things that can dramatically reduce quality of life. Far too many retired individuals break bones in the course of routine activities. These injuries can take incredibly long to heal in the later stages of your life. In fact, breaking a bone is a major predictor of mortality in senior citizens. Along with other types of gourds, BSQ is a mineral-rich food that can help you stay strong and mobile. 

6. A Stronger Immune System
As most people know, having a strong immune system (IS) is critical for living a long and successful life. Although many different factors go into maintaining your IS, it is difficult to overemphasize the IS benefits of vitamin-rich gourds. The plentiful vitamin C in BSQ stimulates your system to produce white blood cells, which are the heavy hitters of the human IS. If you keep a strong IS, your body can routinely eliminate infections that might otherwise cause serious disability or death. 

7. Smoother, Healthier Skin 
With its high levels of beta-carotene, BSQ affects your skin in a way that is ideal for your self-esteem and your health. If you consume plenty of beta-carotene, you will maintain a more youthful appearance as you age. Even more critically, healthier skin is less vulnerable to the dangerous side effects of UV ray exposure. If you enjoy spending time at the tanning salon or recreating outdoors, BSQ can help you maintain your routine without undue risk of skin cancer.

Who is The New Shingles Vaccine Recommended For

Shingles is a painful condition that affects over one-third of the population over the age of 50, sometimes more than once. A shingles vaccine called Zostavax has been available for a long time, but now the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have issued new vaccination guidelines around a new shingles vaccine. Shingrix, which was just approved by the Food and Drug Administration in October 2017, will take the place of Zostavax, and this has implications for a wider group of people, some of whom have already been vaccinated.

What Is Shingrix? Who Needs It?

Shingrix is made by GlaxoSmithKline. It is meant for anyone age 50 and older, and it is a much better vaccine than Zostavax, which was only about 51 percent effective and lost effectiveness in much older patients. Zostavax was meant for people ages 60 and older, so Shingrix offers protection to a wider segment of the population. Another big change is that Shingrix is not based on a live virus like Zostavax was. This means that Shingrix may be more appropriate for patients who could not get Zostavax due to allergies. 

It's crucial to note that at this point, Shingrix has been approved only for people with normal immune systems who are not allergic to any component of the Shingrix vaccine. The company is working on testing the vaccine in immune-compromised patients, however, and the fact that the vaccine does not contain a live virus is a positive step in helping that trial succeed.

As mentioned, anyone 50 and older should get Shingrix, which comes in a series of two shots. There is no proof that getting only the first shot offers protection, so patients need to complete the second shot without fail. 

People Who Already Got the Zostavax Shot

Anyone who has already had the Zostavax shot should get Shingrix because of the increased effectiveness. If someone has just gotten Zostavax, waiting at least a couple of months before getting the first Shingrix shot is prudent. 

It is not a good idea for patients to rely solely on Zostavax unless they have allergies to components in Shingrix. The lower effectiveness of Zostavax has been a real problem, and patients should take advantage of the better protection now available. 

Dealing With Immune System Conditions

Shingrix may be a great development for those with allergies, but those with compromised immune systems should hang tight. In immune system conditions, the mechanism that should protect the body from major adverse reactions is not functioning as it should. These patients and their doctors should monitor vaccine trial news to determine when or if it's safe to start the shots.

No one is really thrilled about getting one shot, much less two. But the shots are a small inconvenience compared with suffering through a bout of shingles. Talk to your doctor as soon as possible about starting the Shingrix series.

3 Delicious Salad Recipes That Are Anything But Traditional

Lettuce, croutons and a bit of vinaigrette are the components of a standard salad. Although they're certainly attractive ingredients, the combination can get boring at times. You still want a healthy salad at dinnertime so think outside of the box. There are some delicious salad recipes that aren't full of the standard items. Get excited about your next meal by trying these top three recipes that sparkle with flavor. 

1. A Cool Trio

Forgo the lettuce by sticking to the cooler vegetables in the produce aisle. Collect ripe tomatoes, avocados and cucumbers. Chop these items into uniform chunks. Ideally, make them small enough for easy chewing during your meal. Toss the ingredients together until there's a little bit of each item in every bite.

Your choice of salad dressing is up to you at this point. Some people like to drizzle a chipotle ranch onto the salad for a Hispanic twist on the ingredients. You're welcome to maintain the ingredients' integrity by using only oil and vinegar across them as well.

A simpler choice of dressing is a squirt of lime and salt. The lime's acidity brings out a liveliness in the vegetables and fruits. It also reduces the chances of the avocado turning brown between your meal preparation and enjoying the dish. Don't salt the ingredients too heavily either. You still want to taste the subtle flavors found only in nature. 

2. Make it a Sandwich

If you're a fan of the BLT or bacon-lettuce-tomato sandwich, you're in for a thrilling meal when you turn it into a salad. Chop up romaine lettuce into bite-size chunks. Pull out some canned corn. Drain it, and sprinkle the kernels onto the lettuce. Add chopped tomatoes and avocados to the mix as well. In essence, picture the ingredients on your sandwich but just in chopped form.

Instead of bread holding your sandwich together, toss a few croutons onto that salad. The best part is adding the bacon to the mixture. Cook your bacon until it's thoroughly warmed and browned. Break apart the pieces, and add them to your salad.

Mustard and mayonnaise are normal accompaniments to a BLT sandwich, but not for these salad recipes. Consider a lime vinaigrette or ranch sauce. You might choose a honey Dijon as a unique alternative. Experiment with the dressings so that you're always thrilled with a BLT salad whenever you're in the mood. 

3. Berries to the Rescue

Salads don't have to be savory by nature. Think of the sweet side of life. Berries come in many shapes and sizes. Try a mixture of three or more types. Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries are interesting choices for a salad. Chop up any large berries so that they match the size of your smallest ingredient, such as the blueberries. 

Chop up some mint, and mix it into the berries. Drizzle lemon juice and honey onto the berries. Serve this dish immediately for the best flavor. The antioxidants and vitamins within the berries are perfect accompaniments to a healthy lifestyle. Eat this salad at any meal, including breakfast. The natural sugars give you some energy for the day ahead.

As you grow into retirement, you have more time than ever to devote to healthy living. Experiment with your own salad recipes because an imaginative mind can create a superb meal. Enjoy your salad on the side or as an entree. Regardless of your arrangement, healthy eating only supports a long retirement for you and the entire family.

Why Matcha-Coconut Refrigerator Cookies are Going to be Your New Holiday Favorite

Serving up chocolate-chip cookies during the holidays may be a staple, but there are many other concoctions that will please the family. One of the newest trends today is matcha-coconut refrigerator treats. These unique desserts are much different than the standard cookie. You won't notice the differences, however, because the taste sensation will take over the experience. Try a new, holiday favorite with matcha-coconut refrigerator treats. There are more benefits than you realize.

All-Natural Ingredients

Your new, favorite treat is full of natural ingredients. Aside from the everyday components, such as baking soda and powder, discover matcha powder, bee pollen and shredded coconut. Rolled oats and flour make up the bulk of the cookie with butter, eggs and vanilla extract bringing everything together. Go further with your all-natural ingredients by using organic or gluten-free products too. By eliminating fatty or synthetic ingredients, your holiday treats become healthy with hidden vitamins and minerals.

Feel-Good Properties

Matcha tea is a popular drink in Japan. High-quality leaves with bright-green hues offer a relaxed and happy feeling after drinking the brew. Within holiday treats, the matcha is in a powder form. By heating it up and consuming the matcha, you're releasing its feel-good powers. These sensations are due in part to the phytochemicals found in matcha leaves. The original plant photosynthesizes with the sun so that these chemicals naturally arise. 

Hidden Antioxidants

Matcha leaves also have antioxidants that include microbe- and bacteria-fighting organisms. Be aware that the powder version of matcha has some degraded antioxidants, but they're still present for your health benefits. To boost your antioxidant levels, the rolled oats offer their natural benefits. Fighting off oral ailments and everyday germs may be possible as you eat these treats around the holidays. Free radicals within your body can quickly damage tissue without strong antioxidants neutralizing their activity.

Fiber Perks 

The coconut and rolled oats have fiber within their structures. Fiber is a critical substance for healthy digestion. Without soluble fiber, your digestive system slows down and possibly impacts your health. Eat your holiday cookies and still receive a healthy dose of fiber. Don't forget to add in your raw fruits and vegetables to continue with a fiber-based diet. You'll feel better as you indulge in other holiday treats.

Bee Pollen Components

Bee pollen is an unusual ingredient because it's not a regular part of standard cookies. It acts along with the egg to bind the ingredients. Along with its functional aspect, benefit from its healthy components. Fatty acids, enzymes, minerals and vitamins are part of bee pollen because it's a core component of a complex ecosystem. Add it to your treats so that the entire family benefits from the anti-inflammatory properties. Any boost to your immune system during the holidays is a plus.

Recipes Call For Logs

Matcha-coconut refrigerator treats aren't just a pile of ingredients spooned into a cookie shape. Most recipes call for a refrigeration period. During that time, you're asked to roll the mixture into a log shape for easier cookie cutting before the baking. Nothing is more holiday-oriented than the log. The kids will love to see a log in the refrigerator, and they're welcome to help you cut it too.

Don't forget to employ your food processor for the rolled oats. By breaking down the ingredients, they'll adhere better to the bee pollen and various powders. The cookie's texture should be grainy, but with a smooth flow as you chew it. Matcha-coconut refrigerator treats may become a staple around your home for every holiday.

3 Unconventional Therapies for Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are serious mental health issues that should be addressed with a health care professional as early as possible. Educating yourself about treatment options can lead to a more productive conversation with your doctor about ways to deal with anxiety and depression so that you can lead a full and productive life. These therapies are on the more innovative side of treating mental health issues and may surprise you with their effectiveness and ease of implementation. 

1. Walking and talking therapy

Time outdoors can do wonders for your overall mental state and relaxation. You may be able to find a therapist who holds therapy sessions outdoors while walking. This relaxed environment can help to clear your mind and talk more freely about the issues that you are facing. Sitting in a sterile therapist's office can seem daunting and unappealing to many people. Embracing Mother Nature is a great way to avoid that stigma and allow yourself to open up in new and engaging ways. 

Finding a therapist who employs this method could be as easy as asking for a recommendation from your doctor. It may involve trying out different therapists until you find the right fit for you to feel the most comfortable. 

2. Hypnotherapy

This therapy often gets confused with hypnosis, which involves someone else controlling your thoughts and actions. On the other hand, hypnotherapy is about reorienting your focus and channeling your energy toward a positive outcome. This is typically used along side other therapies for anxiety and depression to increase their effectiveness. The best thing about this therapy is that it allows you to take control of your own healing process and harness your own focus.

3. Laughing

Laughter has been shown to reduce your blood pressure and help you to process stressful situations. While mediation is often praised as one of the most effective therapies for relaxation, laughing has been shown to have many of the same benefits. It also does not require the same level of focus and concentration as meditation does. 

One of the great things about laughter therapy is that it does not necessarily have to be done in a formal setting. While many hospitals and exercise studies may attempt to incorporate laughter and humor into their regular sessions, laughter therapy is different for everyone. Spending time watching a funny movie or television show can be just the remedy you need to get that laughter going. 

4 Things You Should be Eating and 3 Things You Should Reconsider

When you want to have a healthy mind and body, it is essential to consume certain foods while at the same time, you should avoid eating other foods. Here is a list of four foods to add to your daily diet along with three foods that you should reconsider consuming. 

Foods To Add To Your Menus

Food To Eat 1: Brightly Colored Vegetables 

If you grew up hating brightly colored vegetables, then you must overcome your distaste for green beans, spinach and bell peppers. Brightly colored vegetables contain an assortment of nutrients, including antioxidants that help to eliminate the free radicals that can damage your body’s cells. Dietitians recommend consuming several servings of delicious vegetables each day rather than consuming large portions of beef, pork or poultry. 

Food To Eat 2: Dairy Products

It is important to consume dairy products that contain calcium and protein. Foods and beverages such as yogurt, milk and cheese have minerals and vitamins that will increase the strength of your bones and teeth. If you are lactose intolerant, then look for dairy products that are formulated with less of this enzyme so that you won’t have digestive issues. 

Food To Eat 3: Whole Grains

In the past, you may have consumed a lot of food that was made with refined flour. Today, experts recommend consuming whole-grain foods instead to ingest more fiber and nutrients. When you are consuming whole-grain breads or pasta, the foods take longer to digest, and the higher amount of fiber in whole-grain products will help you to feel more satiated. 

Food To Eat 4: Fruits

Rather than having ice cream, cake or pie for dessert, choose fruits such as apples, oranges or grapes. Find fresh fruits in the produce aisle of your local supermarket, or shop for canned, dried or frozen fruits instead. Fruits contain vitamins and are also naturally low in fat. When you are ingesting fruits, you are helping to hydrate your body to prevent dry skin and eyes. 

Three Foods To Reconsider Eating

Food To Avoid 1: High-fat Meat

While consuming protein is important for your overall well-being, it is a good idea to avoid high-fat meats. When you eat poultry such as chicken or turkey, make sure to remove the skin and visible fat. Look for ground beef and pork that has a low percentage of fat to avoid consuming useless calories. The excess fat in meat can lead to obesity or a high cholesterol level, and both of these conditions can shorten your life. 

Food To Avoid 2: Snack Foods

When you are shopping for groceries, avoid the snack food aisle where there are products such as potato chips, cookies and pretzels. These processed foods contain a lot of calories but few nutrients. Processed snack foods tend to contain high levels of fat, sugar and sodium. In addition, these foods are frequently expensive items that provide no nutrients or fiber. 

Food To Avoid 3: White Potatoes

It is possible to find huge bags of white potatoes at a low price, and you may eat this food frequently because it is versatile. However, white potatoes are high in carbohydrates. Rather than having white potatoes as a side dish, dietitians recommend having sweet potatoes instead. It is also important to avoid using a lot of margarine, butter or sour cream on the sweet potatoes because these foods are high in fat. 

5 Stress Relief Techniques To Implement Today

When you feel anxious the majority of the time, it is important to find ways to relieve your stress. The feelings from stress can become overwhelming, leading to additional health problems such as high blood pressure or insomnia. When you don’t try to relieve your stress in the earliest stages, you risk having serious complications such as a stroke or heart attack. There are new medical studies that reveal that constant stress can damage your brain’s synapses, leading to Alzheimer’s disease. Fortunately, you can begin using these five stress relief tips today to reduce your anxious feelings. 

Stress Relieving Tip 1: Get Enough Sleep

If you aren’t getting enough sleep on a nightly basis, then it can lead to more stress. While you are sleeping, your body releases hormones that heal your body and soothe your brain. When you aren’t sleeping because you feel too anxious at night, then you can visit a physician to learn if there are medications that you can use for a few weeks to help you sleep better. After you develop a normal sleeping pattern, your brain can cope better with stressful events. 

Stress Relieving Tip 2: Engage In Physical Activity 

By exercising as much as possible, you can reduce your stress levels. Experts recommend exercising three times a week for at least 30 minutes, but if you can exercise more than that, then you will feel better. When you engage in physical activity, it increases the blood flow throughout your body and brain. With additional blood circulation, your entire body is getting more oxygen that will help to lift your mood while eliminating stressful thoughts. 

Stress Relieving Tip 3: Learn How To Meditate

It is important to learn how to meditate because this practice will help to reduce your stress. By meditating for only a few minutes each day, you can clear the troubling thoughts from your mind. While you are meditating, your breathing also becomes more relaxed, helping to eliminate your anxious thoughts. If you don’t understand how to meditate, then look for a training CD or book on the subject at your local library. 

Stress Relieving Tip 4: Find a Support Team

In addition to asking for occasional help from relatives, create a support team of friends who you can turn to during a time of crisis. For many individuals without nearby extended family, joining a religious institution is an important way to have a support team. By having a support team, you can call to ask for help when an emergency occurs, or you can talk to a friend each week to overcome your anxious thoughts. 

Stress Relieving Tip 5: Take a Break 

If you are working all of the time, then it can lead to stress. To protect your mental well-being, you should take frequent breaks to enjoy activities such as watching sports or participating in hobbies. For additional stress relief, you should also socialize occasionally by going to a movie with a friend or attending a dance. Schedule a fun activity several times a week to relieve your stress.