Instant Pot Watermelon Rinds

Summer always inspires the most creative of us to make all kinds of delicious drinks and treats. Whether you are interested in enjoying something cold or sweet, there are all types of recipes that you can enjoy with your friends and family on a hot summer day. Instant pot watermelon rinds are some of the most delicious snack options you can make. They can be perfect by themselves, or you can change up the recipe to add a little something extra to the original composition.

To make this delicious recipe, you just need to pick up a few key ingredients. Make sure that you have a small watermelon for a basic serving. Have four lemons, each sliced thinly with all of the seeds removed. Also gather four teaspoons of salt and sugar, and make sure that you have two teaspoons of your favorite hot sauce. You can always add more hot sauce to taste, depending on what type of rinds you want to make. Keep around additional flavorings and ingredients as well, such as strawberries, if you are interested in changing up some of the flavor. 

Once you are ready to begin, do your best to peel the watermelon. This can seem like a daunting task, but using a Y-shaped peeler can be all that you need to be left with the rinds. Once the watermelon has been properly peeled, make sure to quarter the melon and run the blade where the pink meets the white. Slice as deep and as far as it is possible. Once you have done as much as you can, proceed to use a spoon against the rind, scraping off as much of the fruit as you can. You can reserve the watermelon flesh for later recipes, but you should be left with the rind when you are done.

Once all of that is done, you can slice the rind into different-sized strips according to what you and your company may prefer. Make sure to remove the stem ends and then place the strips into an Instant Pot or inside of a pressure cooker. Set them there with your lemon slices and then sprinkle with sugar, salt and hot sauce. When ready to begin, cook this mixture at a high pressure for about 10 minutes before manually releasing. The combination of ingredients should be ready now! Pour all of the contents into the appropriate lidded container and then let sit to cool. When done, eat the watermelon and keep the lemon around as a condiment or snack for later. You can also shake the brine over ice for all types of dishes in the future. Invite your friends over to make this dish for a special occasion!

.Taking Care of Your Kidneys

What Are Your Kidneys?

You have two kidneys inside your body that are designed for filtering your blood before manufacturing urine. By releasing this urine, you are removing the toxins and excess water from your body. These bean-shaped organs are located on the right and left side of your upper abdominal area. 

Conditions That Affect Your Kidneys

Kidney disease is common, but you can protect these organs in several ways. Some of the conditions that can affect your kidneys include:

• Urinary tract infections
• Kidney stones 
• Chronic disease
• Renal cysts
• Cancerous tumors

If you have a problem with your kidneys, then it can be a temporary condition that is treatable, or it can become a chronic problem that is irreparable. In some cases, your kidneys will malfunction, requiring you to undergo dialysis to remove the toxins from your blood. 

Six Ways To Care For Your Kidneys

There are several ways to care for your kidneys to avoid developing a health problem that requires dialysis, medication or an organ transplant. Here are the ways to care for your kidneys.

1: Reduce Your Sodium Consumption

If you consume a lot of sodium, then your kidneys must work harder to remove the substance from your blood. Sodium also increases your blood pressure leading to water retention, and both of these problems can also damage the functions of your kidneys. 

2: Maintain Your Body’s Cholesterol Levels 

When you have a high cholesterol level, this sticky substance collects on the interior surfaces of your blood vessels, making it more difficult for your kidneys to remove toxins from your blood. 

3: Control Your Blood Glucose Levels

Researchers believe that high blood sugar is the most common cause of chronic kidney disease. If you have diabetes mellitus, then you must control your blood glucose levels by consuming the right foods along with injecting insulin appropriately. 

4: Take Your High Blood Pressure Medication

When your physician prescribes high blood pressure medication, make sure you take it to protect your kidneys. If you have high blood pressure, then it damages your body’s blood vessels. As your blood vessels harden, your body struggles to transport blood through your kidneys. 

5: Don’t Gain Weight

When you are overweight, you will have excess fat, making it more difficult for your kidneys to function properly. If you are obese, then you are more likely to have other health problems that lead to kidney disease, including diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. 

6: Protect Your Heart 

To prevent kidney disease, you must protect your heart because your heart pumps the blood that travels through the blood vessels to reach your kidneys. If your heart is not working correctly, then your body’s blood may not reach the kidneys so that the excess water and toxins are removed. 

Vegan Chocolate Mousse and How to Make It

Veganism is a great way to lose weights, and if you believe books like "The China Study," to potentially extend your lifespan and prevent illness. If you grew up vegan or come from a culture that cooks food that lends itself to vegetarianism (there are great Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, Southeast Asian and Indian dishes that fit the bill here), then making the switch to a fully vegan diet may be a simple matter of making a few dietary tweaks or of dropping a few of your recipes off of your list. If you have grown up in a meat and potatoes family, the concept of a vegan diet may seem very restrictive and difficult to maintain. Luckily, it's not as hard as it might appear to be, and the changes you make can be fun.

It can take some work to learn how to cook new food, but it needn't mean that you never get to eat anything fun. Just because you have decided to go vegan doesn't mean that you have to get rid of your most favorite, decadent foods. There are a number of foods that can serve as substitute staples. Tofu makes a great cream substitute, and soy and almond milk can work as milk. Xantham gum can be a binder that works like eggs and jackfruit is a great meat substitute. 

Chocolate Mousse is one recipe that you can easily make with vegan substitutions. This recipe traditionally calls for cream and eggs. Instead, it uses silken tofu and almond milk. Chocolate chips are one item that you won't need to substitute if you go with dark chocolate; in many cases, chocolate chips are already vegan. Read below for one great recipe adapted from 

What You Need
12-ounce package of firm or extra firm silken tofu
3/4 cup of almond, coconut, or soy milk
1 cup of vegan chocolate chips 
1 tsp of vanilla extract

Optional enhancements
chili powder
mint leaves 
peppermint oil
coconut oil and shredded coconut

Step 1: Heat milk and chocolate
You can do this on the stovetop or in the microwave, so long as you are stirring constantly as you warm. Either stir over a low stove or microwave for about 2 minutes at a time, stir, and add a bit more time. The exact amount will vary with the time out of the microwave and the power of your oven. You should have a rich chocolatey milk when you are done. Let this cool before proceeding to step 2. 

Step 2: Blend with remaining ingredients
Take all of the ingredients plus the optional enhancements of your choosing and blend them together. Make sure you taste this when you are done. If you still taste tofu, you can add a splash more of an enhancement or more melted chips, but don't add more milk or it won't properly set. 

Step 3: Chill to set
This is the final step in the recipe. Pour the mousse into a bowl (or a set of smaller, individual ramekins for best results) to set. Let it chill in the fridge for 2-3 hours. When it is done, you can garnish with your favorite items: mint leaves, shaved vegan chocolate, sea salt, candied flowers, and cinnamon are all great choices. 

While it takes some work and some reteaching of your culinary skills to learn to cook delicious vegan food, learning some basic retakes on your favorites will go a long way toward having a successful vegan diet. 

The Amazing Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

By now, the positive health benefits related to intermittent fasting are firmly well-established. For most of the past century, the mainstream medical community showed little interest in the benefits of fasting. Although fasting is a traditional practice in many religions and cultures, some would argue that fasting goes against the grain of the "more is better" ethos of our modern, technology-focused lifestyle. Fortunately, more and more people are learning firsthand about the incomparable benefits of intermittent fasting. 

Although there are several different types of intermittent fasting, they are all based around the idea of alternating short periods of fasting with periods of normal eating. One good method is to eat normally one day and eat nothing but a light breakfast on the following day. Weight loss is one of the most visible and striking effects of intermittent fasting. However, this is far from the only benefit of fasting this way. When you avoid eating for a while, some of your fundamental physical processes start to change for the better. Firstly, your blood insulin level drops, which immediately causes you to burn fat at a faster rate. Your body starts to repair your cells by eliminating cellular wastes. Almost immediately, your body begins emitting more human growth hormone (HGH), which is quite beneficial. Temporarily, the HGH production in your body can expand by 500 percent. 

In addition to the aforementioned benefits, fasting can spur changes in your gene expression. This can benefit your whole-body health and increase your longevity. Although human testing is still in its early stages, researchers have clearly demonstrated that when they limit the amount of calories that research mammals eat, the mammals live for much longer than one could reasonably expect. This effect is quite pronounced when you cut the subject's calorie consumption by 50 percent. Of course, this is too much of a calorie reduction for most ordinary people. Nevertheless, it is reasonable to assume that you can increase your longevity by reducing your calorie intake by at least 20 percent.

Beyond simply lengthening your life, it seems clear that fasting can improve your quality of life. For example, fasting can reduce your chances of suffering from diabetes. Oxidative stress and inflammation are two things that can contribute to your risk of experiencing a wide variety of diseases. 

During your periods of intermittent fasting, your metabolism increases by as much as 14 percent. According to available research, intermittent fasting doesn't merely cause you to lose weight. This type of fasting seems to cause disproportionate fat loss in your waist or abdominal region. Muscle loss is less pronounced than in nonstop calorie restriction plans. Particularly for older people, it can prove quite difficult to lose abdominal fat under ordinary conditions. All in all, the benefits of fasting are wholly remarkable. Collectively, the effects of intermittent fasting deserve serious recognition from ordinary people and the mainstream medical community.

The Tiny Implantable Drug that's Taking on the Fight Against HIV

Historically, a gin and tonic consumed daily was a means to help protect British soldiers from catching malaria in tropical environments. It was a prophylactic that helped prevent the disease from taking hold. Quinine is the active ingredient that kills malaria, and it is quite bitter. So, British soldiers began adding water, sugar, gin and lime to cover the taste. Thus was born the modern cocktail.

This same general principle of prophylaxis is being applied today to the prevention of HIV/AIDS. Since this disease cannot be cured, prevention is a primary focus of new research. This strategy is called pre-exposure prophylaxis or PrEP for short. It involves daily doses of medications known to protect against the infection. When taken consistently, it can substantially reduce the risk of catching HIV and subsequently developing AIDS.

It works much the way a gin and tonic was thought to protect against malaria. It prevents the virus from taking hold and successfully spreading throughout the body. When taken consistently, it can reduce the risk of infection with HIV from sex by upwards of 90 percent. However, missing a single dose can lower the effectiveness.

In sub-Saharan Africa, it is an unrelenting epidemic. According to statistics from 2013, there were 24.7 million people living with HIV in that part of the world. They accounted for 71 percent of all HIV cases in the world.

For a long list of reasons, consistent use of medication is a big challenge in this part of the world. Thus, a current focus of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a tiny implantable drug pump from a Boston-based company called Intarcia Therapeutics. The pump is the size of a matchstick, yet can hold either a six- or twelve-month supply of PrEP medication.

It can be implanted under the skin in a physician's office. The procedure is said to be painless. Since it is an outpatient procedure, it is also relatively quick and easy. Once done, the patient is protected for the six months or one year that it lasts.

There are still many details to work out. It will be some years before it is available on the market. The intent is to make it as easy to use as possible in order to try to curb the current epidemic, especially in less developed parts of the world. Simply containing the epidemic and preventing further spread is the best hope at this time.

The pump may eventually be used as a delivery mechanism for other drug therapies aimed at other serious medical conditions. In fact, Intarcia is currently working to get FDA approval for a variation of the pump intended to provide treatment for type 2 diabetes.

A new high tech drug pump the size of a matchstick is currently being developed as a means to consistently deliver prophylactic medication to protect against HIV. This pump would allow people to see a doctor once or twice a year to get the protection they need from this currently incurable dread disease.

How Researchers Used Frog Mucus to Fight the Flu

New research has identified a peptide named urumin found in the mucus on the skin of a specific frog species. This peptide is showing promise as a potential drug treatment for certain strains of flu.

Long ago, it was found that dropping live Russian Brown frogs into milk would prevent the milk from going sour. This long-standing fact led researchers in 2012 to wonder what the exact mechanism was for preserving the milk. 

They discovered that when frogs are stressed, they secrete peptides via their skin and in the mucus that coats them. According to Louise Rollins-Smith, associate professor of pathology, microbiology, and immunology at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, "Amphibians, especially certain groups of frogs, produce and store large amounts of antimicrobial peptides in specialized granular glands in the skin." She also said "When the skin is injured or the frog is alarmed, they release large amounts of the peptides to protect the skin."

These peptides have antimicrobial properties. They can kill various bacteria, viruses and even fungi. These findings have led to more recent research into the specific peptides secreted by a small orange frog named hydrophylax bahuvistara found in southern India.

They identified 32 distinct peptides secreted by this little orange frog. To their surprise, they found that four of them can successfully kill certain strains of flu virus. This has been demonstrated under a microscope and in lab mice. The next trials will likely involve ferrets. If that goes well, human testing could come soon after.

This study found that urumin specifically targets H1 flu viruses. The three other peptides were found to be harmful to human red blood cells. Thus, those three peptides are not currently deemed to be good candidates for developing a flu drug. But, so far, urumin has not been found to be harmful to human cells. Thus, the next stage of studies is being tentatively planned.

The effect of urumin on specific H1 flu viruses is fairly dramatic. It makes the individual flu particles simply fall apart. Unlike currently available drugs, the urumin peptide specifically targets the hemagglutinin. One researcher said "It just blows it up. It makes the virus particle fall apart."

One of the challenges still standing between our current understanding and a potential drug treatment is a good delivery method. In lab mice, the urumin peptide was delivered through their noses. They also exposed the mice to the flu viruses via the same pathway. But this may be ineffective as a treatment protocol. Researchers believe they may need to develop something injectable in order to deliver it to the human blood stream.

At the moment, the next step is simply to try to replicate their success with mice in a study using ferrets, which are often used for flu virus research. If the ferret studies are a success, human studies are likely to follow.

Every year, flu epidemics kill between 250,000 and 500,000 people. Developing an effective treatment, even if it only works for a specific subset of flu viruses, could save millions of lives.

There is an exciting new breakthrough holding out hope for future flu treatments. Research involving a small orange frog has led to the identification of a new peptide called urumin that dramatically causes some flu strains to simply fall apart when exposed to it.

5 Healthy Uses for Natural Sweeteners

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Natural sweeteners are defined as a number of plant or animal-derived items that provide sweetness in an unprocessed form. They are a great way to get all of the flavor of sugar or corn syrup without the level of processing that both of these items require. There are a number of different sweeteners to try. Here are five popular sweeteners and a healthy use for each one. 

This fruit that comes from the palm tree is a sweetener that has popularity dating back before Ancient Egypt. Dates are an excellent sweetening choice for baked goods. Dates can be separated from the pit and blended into a sweet paste. They can be mashed and added to cinnamon or granola bars to provide a sweet, decadent treat. 

One of the best-known natural sweeteners, honey has a number of great uses. It can be used to sweeten drinks and salad dressings. Raw, unpasteurized honey also serves as an antimicrobial in food preservation and wound care. Eating local, raw honey every day has also been shown to help to reduce the severity of seasonal allergies.

The syrup in the agave plant is the precursor to quality tequila when fermented and an excellent honey or maple syrup substitute when used in its raw form. Agave comes in both light and dark formulations and can be used like white and brown sugar or dark and light molasses. It offers a mild taste and is a great choice for marinades, as it can help flavors to stick to the meat without causing a lot of charring and burning over a grill. 

This sweetener is the lowest-calorie of all of the known natural sweeteners and is often used as a sugar substitute for those who want to purge sugar from their diet. It is most commonly eaten as a powder, like sugar, but it is very light and more similar to powdered sugar. It can be used in drinks and baking, but be aware that it is actually much more sweet than sugar, so you need much less of it in your coffee or tea. If you are doing a cleanse that includes lemon water, a pinch of this can help to make it taste more like lemonade. 

Maple Syrup
Another of the best-known natural sweeteners, maple syrup is a staple on breakfast tables worldwide. It is important to note that natural maple syrup is not the same as artificial brands, which consist of maple-flavored corn syrup. Maple is an excellent sweetener substitute in pies, a good glaze base for meats, and a good addition to salad dressing. 

Making the Switch
If you are unsure which kind of sweetener is best for you, it's a good idea to experiment. For some, you may find that you can easily make the switch with some things but other foods are not as good with a sugar substitute. Other people may be trying to remove most of the sweet things from their lives, and this is a way to wean off of the addictive nature of sugar a little bit more easily. 

Remember that not all sweeteners taste quite the same. If you don't like the flavor of one, keep trying others until you find a taste that you enjoy. Even as you experiment, in increase in your energy levels and a reduction in your waistline may help to tip the scales in favor of your new sweetening regime.

Taking Care of a Pet is Great for Your Mental Health

A cat or dog running around the house is either a blessing or burden in your mind. Although pets take some effort on a daily basis, their presence is largely positive. As you grow into your senior years, you'll notice marked changes in your mind and body. By having a pet in your life, it's possible to improve your mental health without any medications in sight.

Fighting Off Stress

Stress affects everyone at any age. As you grow older, however, stress can be more serious than it was in your 20s or 30s. Taking care of a pet changes this scenario. Try petting your furry friend for a few minutes. The sensation of the fur, warmth and possible purring contributes to a relaxed state of mind. There's an actual rhythm to this motion, which also creates less stress. Focusing on the animal's needs takes your worries away for a moment. Relieving stress for only a few minutes a day is enough to make a difference in your life.

Encouraging Physical Activity

Pets will jump, run and walk around your home and yard with pride. Play with your furry friends to feel and look young. Throw a ball, and follow your pet around the yard. They'll love the engagement while you benefit from the positive, health effects. Dogs definitely get you moving because they require daily walks. Take them out on a leash so that they can use the bathroom and enjoy the fresh air. The outside air also improves your outlook on life as you soak in the vitamin D from the sunlight.

Warding Off Loneliness

Loneliness is a reality for many seniors. Their children and grandchildren may be in other cities, or spouses can be ill. A pet can quickly fill the day with happiness and love. These animals love you unconditionally. They'll be thrilled to see you arrive home at the end of the day. Feeling lonely creates mental decline over time as you seek out social situations otherwise. The pet makes you feel good so that you're more inclined to be social with others as loneliness becomes a distant memory.

Breaking the Ice

You might have a shy personality, which makes social situations difficult. Let your pet do the socializing as you meet new people. The pet draws in a new person, and you're given the chance to start a conversation. You might go to a dog park or beach as a way to meet other people with pets. Use this common attribute to forge bonds that will last for many years ahead. Leaning on friends and your favorite pets is a great way to stay mentally alert.

Bringing On the Laughter

It's a fact that laughter is good medicine. A good laugh releases positive hormones throughout your body. These hormones directly affect your brain. You'll feel happy with the day even if some setbacks are present. Your pet might do funny things throughout the day, which brings on laughter on a regular basis. Allow yourself to feel the humor, and your mental health improves as a result. People who live in an unhappy bubble without pets in their life can easily succumb to depression and other mental decline.

Typical pets are the furry types, but you might have a different animal in mind. Almost any animal can help you on a mental level. Care and play with it each day so that the feelings are mutual. Your mental happiness will grow exponentially in response.

Marathons: Risk or Reward

Current workout trends include the traditional marathon that's a little over 26 miles long. People across the world will train and try their luck at these marathons. It's not just young people trying their will against these challenges either. Seniors in large numbers are giving their best as they walk or jog all or most of the marathon course. However, there are definitive risks and rewards to marathon running. Get familiar with these important points so that you can make a smart decision about your next workout session.

Improved Cardiovascular Functions

By elevating your heart rate during a marathon, you're improving your cardiovascular functions. Your heart needs some exercise to maintain its strength and rhythm. As you pick up speed during a workout, blood flows throughout your tissues as well. Sending more oxygen and nutrients through your body will only improve your overall health. You can ward off chronic illnesses and even the annual common cold. Healthy, cardiovascular systems also ward off mental decline into your senior years because the brain receives enough nutrients to remain alert.

Risk of Mechanical Injuries

As you run down a paved street, the impacts of your weight during the motion are magnified across the body by a factor of three. These impacts are somewhat supported by the joints' natural cushions, but damage does occur over time. Your ankles, knees and hips take on the brunt of the marathon's impacts. It's not uncommon to suffer from mechanical injuries in these locations. Strains, sprains and other ailments strike at any time, especially as you grow older.

Enhanced Sense of Self

Marathon runners often tout about the mental benefits to marathon running. They achieve a sense of pride with each completed mile. Feeling good about yourself is an important aspect of life. As you enter the senior years, declining health issues might be your top priority. By challenging your body with a healthy pursuit, you gain mental and physical strength. Good hormones flowing through the body will only improve your life over time.

Considering Overexertion

Running more than 26 miles during one workout is incredibly stressful on the body. Marathon runners have been known to pass out from overexertion, such as from heat exhaustion or dehydration. Currently, studies show that potential heart benefits might have a limit when it comes to long-distance running. Although you need to exercise your heart with aerobic activity, too much strain causes tissue damage. Scientists have observed heart membranes being actively damaged by enzymes generated during stressful workouts. Heart damage can easily lead to a heart attack or other critical ailment.

If you've caught the running bug, be safe with your workout regimen by visiting with your doctor. Discuss your goals and current health situation. Your doctor might set limits on your workout intensity based on your medical conditions. With your doctor actively supporting your marathon goals, you can set out on a future run with confidence.

Are Adult Martial Arts Programs for You?

Your children and grandchildren may take martial arts classes, such as karate, and you're curious about the sport too. This skill and technical sport is actually a perfect activity for nearly any age group, including seniors. As you consider an adult martial arts program, explore the perks to learning this complex sport.

Increasing Your Confidence

As you grow older, you might be concerned about your safety walking to and from your home. You want to feel comfortable being yourself with some self defense ready if trouble erupts. Learning martial arts increases your confidence about yourself. You'll be able to hold your ground if a person threatens you. In fact, you might scare off a person by just holding your martial-arts stance on the street. Feeling good about yourself benefits the entire body, which leads to a healthier lifestyle in your senior years. 

Concerning Bone Health

One caveat to the benefits of martial arts programs is bone-health concerns. These exercises sometime require you to balance on one leg for an extended time period. Although this requirement may seem benign, seniors with bone issues may see complications. Osteoporosis and other ailments might be aggravated with balancing exercises. Ideally, speak to your doctor about any bone concerns before taking up a martial-arts program. If you have a clean bill of health, your bones will only grow denser as a result of the martial-arts effort. Brittle bones from a chronic condition may indicate that low-impact sports might be in order, such as swimming.

Growing Lean Muscle

When you consistently perform martial arts, you'll develop more muscle tone. Your body will actually use itself as a resistance tool. Balancing, kicking and punching will encourage muscle growth. These muscles can increase your metabolism, which leads to fat-burning benefits. As a senior, you're probably losing muscle when exercise isn't part of your daily routine. Taking on martial arts gives you a chance to build muscle where it helps your health, especially at the cardiovascular level. Your heart health improves because it's receiving a workout as you move across the fitness mats.

Improving Your Physical and Mental Focus

Performing martial arts requires intense concentration. As you focus on your opponent, your mind is improving with the enhanced thinking. Because you're practicing these focus techniques, brain cells create new pathways to deal with the situations. A sharp mind in your senior years can ward off mental decline, such as dementia. Keep your mind sharp by continuing in martial-arts classes. Every new skill that you learn will create a new, nerve-signal pathway that only helps your daily clarity.

Creating Lifelong Bonds

As you enter a martial-arts class, you'll form instant bonds with other learners. Because you're a beginner, everyone in your class will have the same skill level. Practice together, discuss strategies and let the sport permeate your conversations. Bonding with others is an important part of mental health as you enter your senior years. By feeling connected to the community, you reduce your chances of fighting depression and other ill effects. These friendships can last a lifetime when you nourish them with supportive banter and helpful criticism. 

Many cities and towns have local martial arts classes that you can try out. Ask the facility manager about beginning classes and other details surrounding the class. Reputable trainers are thrilled to welcome any beginners regardless of age. In a matter of months, you'll be kicking and punching like a professional.