Not Just Prunes: Foods to Help You Get Regular

Constipation is such a great topic to talk about. Who doesn’t like talking about hardened stool right? Well, 42 million people in the world are experiencing it so it’s definitely worth talking about.

Feeling backed up?

Bowel movements should be regular. Once or twice a week on the golden throne is not enough for most people and could be sign that there’s a problem. Conditions such as medications, bowel disease and hypothyroidism could be causing constipation. However, there are also other factors that come into play such as insufficient fiber and water consumption. Here are some foods that should help you become more regular:

1.     Popcorn

You probably didn’t know that popcorn could be healthy. That’s because our favorite movie theaters drench it in salt and melted butter. While delicious, it kind of cancels out any health benefits to popcorn when it’s swimming in fat. Try air-popping your popcorn instead.

2.     Kiwis

Fruits often contain a lot of fructose which can cause bloating and gas. However, certain types are not as high in fructose as others. Kiwis for example have lower sugar and higher fiber. At five grams per kiwi, you’ll be regular in no time.

3.     Prunes

Prunes are like big raisins but they are actually dried plums. Famous for stimulating bowel movement, prunes are rich in fiber and keep things moving along. At 1 gram of fiber per prune, you’re sure to hit your recommended fiber intake.


Oatmeal is great because it contains two types of dietary fiber: soluble and insoluble. Both types add bulk to your stool and help food pass efficiently through the digestive system. Top your oatmeal with some prunes and kiwi for a massive fiber haul.


The Japanese are on to something here. In one study on a small group of Japanese men and women, results showed that those who consumed the largest amount of rice were less likely to suffer from constipation. Opt for brown rice instead of white, as it has more fiber and is less processed. This means it contains more vitamins and minerals than its counterpart. Both are delicious and are certainly very easy to incorporate in one’s diet.

The Sound of an Airplane Affects the Taste of The Food

Why is it that you love tomato juice on an airplane, but hate it once you hit the ground?  Well, it’s not just your imagination; this change in taste happens to everyone and apparently, there is now a science to this interesting fact.
Recent studies show that airplane noise is the culprit to your liking certain foods only when flying. It appears that the noise affects the way you taste, making certain foods or beverages stand out and minimizing others. Robin Dando, the co-author of the study, conducted at Cornell University, initiated the test because of all the complaints about airplane food. Robin, a food scientist, explains that flavor is influenced by the brain, but this is also related to the environment, and that the environment can also have a profound effect on our brain and consequently on our taste buds; so in essence other senses and environments can influence our taste buds.
To prove the theory, he conducted a study involving 48 people and the five basic types of taste. These involved sweet, sour, bitter, umami, and salty flavors. Umami is the term given to flavors like soup, meats, cheeses and tomatoes.
The volunteers in the study tasted everything in a quiet, almost silent environment, and then again in another environment that mimicked the hum of jet engines.  The results showed something quite interesting. It turns out that the noise that affected hearing also affects taste buds, making the taste of umami more flavorful. And that’s why when you fly, a beverage like tomato juice, a food product that you rarely drink under normal circumstances, tastes so good.
The findings were so interesting to airlines and food producers that Lufthansa, a buyer of more than 400,000 gallons of tomato juice per year, has also ordered its own study.
On the Other Hand…
The study went on to conclude that this change in taste buds also affected other foods, those that we tend to consume in huge quantities under normal circumstances. These foods like chocolate, sodas and sweets just didn’t have much of an appeal when flying. A soda just doesn’t taste as good on a plane, and candy is not so appealing. The reason is because the sweet taste buds are inhibited by the sound.
The results for salty and bitter tastes were not affected. These taste buds remained the same. But these findings are enough to make researchers want to continue to investigate how an airplane cabin environment could affect taste buds, and these results may lead to breakthroughs in areas such as weight loss and or weight gain.
Bottom Line
The study also implies that noise and the sense of hearing can have an effect on other senses like taste.  Dando suggests that there are further implications to this study beyond the noise of an airplane. This can make things taste better or worse depending on the environment.  As an example of this working we now experience some restaurants that use special soundtracks for the serving of their food.

How to Get All the Nutrients You Need in One Day's Food

Many people are deficient in vital vitamins and minerals, like Vitamin D, iron, and selenium. The National Diet and Nutrition Survey, states that 46 per cent of girls between the ages of 11 and 18 do not get their recommended daily intake of iron. One in four women also have low iron consumption, and only 50% of women get their daily-recommended amount of selenium. Vitamin D deficiency is also particularly common during the winter months. These deficiencies cause complaints like depression and fatigue.

All the Nutrients you need in One Day’s Food
You can get all of the vital nutrients you need, in one day’s worth of food, by following this simple meal plan.

- One medium sized bowl oatmeal made with 8 ounces of milk and topped with a handful of blackberries.

What it offers
- A third of your recommended daily allowance of B12
- A fifth of your recommended daily allowance of magnesium
- Milk will provide you with a third of your recommended daily amount of calcium and vitamin B2.
- Oats offer fiber and carbohydrates
- Blackberries give you 15 percent of your daily vitamin C allowance, and vitamin E.

Mid-Morning Snack
- 2 ounces of cashews and a small to medium sized banana

What it Offers

- The cashews provide you with a quarter of your daily intake.
- The banana offers magnesium, a sixth of your daily potassium allowance, and vitamin B12, and it provides you with energy boosting carbohydrates.

- Chicken salad sandwich, made using 2 ounces of meat, with six cherry tomatoes, 2 ounces of carrot sticks, 2 ounces of almonds and an apple.

What it Offers
- Vitamin B1 and B3            from the chicken and the bread.
- Vitamin A from the carrots
- Vitamin E from the almonds and tomatoes
- Vitamin C from the apple
- A fifth of your daily allowance of zinc.
- A fifth of your daily allowance of iron.
- Antioxidants from the tomatoes, carrots and almonds

Afternoon Snack
- A 5 ounces grams of low-fat yogurt, and add your own fruit if desired

What it Offers
- A quarter of your daily calcium allowance.
- Around a fifth of your recommended daily allowance of vitamin B1, as well as other B vitamins.

- 4 ounces of salmon, grilled, with half pound of new potatoes, 3 tablespoons of both cooked spinach and peas, and a glass of red wine.

What it Offers

- Salmon provides vitamin D
- 40 percent of your daily potassium intake
- 40 percent of your daily-recommended magnesium intake. 
- Spinach and potatoes provide 93 percent of your recommended daily allowance of folic acid.
- Peas and spinach offer vitamin A, vitamin B1 and iron.

Overall, this simple meal plan provides you with more than enough vitamins and nutrients to lead a healthy lifestyle, covering all of the major food groups.

Warning: Treadmills Pose Serious Risk of Injury

There were 24,400 reported injuries related to treadmills in just 2014 alone. In emergency rooms across the United States they often find themselves treating injuries caused by workout machines with 62,700 reported injuries from all exercise equipment a year. The treadmill by far seems to cause the largest amount of injuries, and like all workout machines, it should be used with caution.

Compared to other workout machines like elliptical machines, weights, swimming pools, golf clubs, etc. the treadmill has one particularly risky feature: it runs off of a motor that propels it. This motor causes major of for injury due to the fact the person’s body does not give as much feedback to machine as something like swimming, where a person will tire out then slow down. Instead we can keep turning up the speed of the treadmill due to our will power or stubbornness, but then unfortunately end up with an injury instead of progress towards fitness goals.

How to Prevent Injury on a Treadmill
Since the treadmill poses the most risk to its users, it is important to take preventative measures to make the experience a little safer. The following tips will help runners and walkers alike use the treadmill in the safest way possible.

1. Check with a Doctor First
Age, balance and cardiovascular issues are all primary concern when determining whether an individual should use a treadmill or not. Before you hit treadmill, make sure you ask a doctor first to see if your body is prepared for this challenge.

2. Follow the Instructions
Specific instructions are on exercise equipment for a reason! Make sure that you check the instructions on any piece of exercise equipment before you use it. 

3. Don’t Push Too Hard 
A lot of sports-related injuries come from pushing the body beyond its capacity. While it is good to have ambition during your workout, it is also important to listen to the body when you feel pain or discomfort to avoid injury.

4. Work on Balance 
Before you get on a treadmill, it is imperative to have solid balance. You can use yoga, Pilates, ab workouts, Tai Chi and other exercises that focus on building the main balancing muscles, the core muscles.

5. No Drugs or Alcohol
One of the biggest causes of injury on treadmills is people being under the influence while on a treadmill. If you’ve had even the least bit of alcohol or drugs, just skip working out all together to avoid injury.  

Just taking these five precautionary steps for treadmill use will cut down the risk tremendously. Serious injuries from treadmills are rare; so do not let this article discourage you from working out! Just make sure you are smart when going for a run or walk on a treadmill

Try to Avoid Polyfluoroalkyl and Perfluoroalkyl

You may be surprised to find out that the extra cheese and greasy sausage may not be the most unhealthy parts of your pizza. Scientists are warning that the chemicals used to make pizza boxes resistant to grease may be far more dangerous. Polyfluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl, which are also called PFAs, are a special class of chemical that prevents soaking of grease and water. They are used in thousands of products including waxed paper, carpet cleaner, footwear, electronics, tents, sleeping bags and fire extinguishers. While the companies that manufacturer poly fluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl insist that these items are safe, researchers disagree.

More than 200 scientists from around the world, including toxicologists and environmental health experts, signed a statement requesting that the production and use of PFASs be limited. Traces of PFASs can be found in the bloodstream for many years, and even though manufacturers have been increasingly relying on supposedly safer options, the older classes are still being found in people’s systems and have been linked to major health problems, including kidney cancer and thyroid disease. Newer classes may have just as many questionable properties, including one version that has been linked to liver damage, skin irritation and eye irritation.

In many cases, poly fluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl are found primarily in industrial applications, but as they become more prevalent in the environment, we can all be exposed as they leach into dust, soil and groundwater and eventually into food and drinking water. While supporting legislation to impose tighter controls on poly fluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl is perhaps the most important way to reduce the risk of exposure for not only current but also future generations, you can reduce your exposure through prevention.

Start by reading labels. If the product is manufactured with these compounds or contains them, simply do not purchase the product. This may include items that are non-stick, waterproof or stain-resistant, including carpet cleaners, upholstery cleaners and fabric treatments. Skip the delivery pizza and other processed foods that are wrapped in greaseproof or waxy papers. It may not be easy to minimize your exposure, but you can modify your lifestyle to reduce your dependence on these convenient products and make choices that are safer for you and your family.

Air Pollution: A Big Factor When Choosing Where to Raise Your Family

The World Health Organization reports that about 7 million deaths a year can be directly linked to breathing polluted air. According to the WHO, air pollution is the most significant environmental health risk and regular exposure is associated with serious long term health effects such as cancer, cognitive impairment in children, respiratory infections, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, strokes and other cardiovascular and respiratory disease.

The data includes deaths related to indoor and outdoor pollution, which affects urban, suburban and rural areas. Indoor air pollution was found to be responsible for 3.3 million deaths world wide annually. Outdoor exposures kill 2.6 million annually. Another million are believed to be linked to both indoor and outdoor pollution. The burden is heaviest in developing countries, and fetuses, nursing babies, children, asthmatics, the elderly and immune suppressed individuals are all more vulnerable to pollutants.

This new data reveals that the risks are higher than previously believed and demonstrates a real need to combat pollution and clean the air. Air pollution can be traced to heating and cooking fuel, including coal, wood, and dung. In the developed world, pollution is often due to energy, industry and waste management. The cost of the global burden of disease is estimated at $1.6 trillion dollars.

Supporting stricter clean air standards is one big way that you can make a difference, but you can also take steps to protect yourself in your own home. Common indoor air pollutants in the United States include mold, pet dander, dust mites and fumes from furnaces, fireplaces and other gas appliances. Increasing ventilation and installing HEPA filters are great ways to protect yourself. Keep a window open or use the ventilation fan when you cook on a gas stove. Limit your use of cleaners containing bleach and ammonia, and look for low or no VOC products when painting or performing other home maintenance tasks. Keep carbon monoxide detectors near gas appliances, and change their batteries when you change the batteries in your smoke detectors. Check radon levels particularly if you have a basement or crawlspace.

Overcoming Being Afraid of The Dark

Some may believe its a kid thing, but for many of us, a fear of the dark lingers into adulthood. Grown adults suffer from it too, but it’s actually a very natural fear that helped our ancestors survived. These ancient humans often lived nomadic lives with minimal shelter, and outside those shelters could lurk any number of dangerous things hidden under the cover of darkness.

Nyctophobia, as it is officially named, often begins in toddlerhood. Children who are around two and three years of age begin to develop vivid imaginations and are not always able to tell what is real and what is not. Their terrors come alive at night. Normal night noises such as soft squeaking, creaking houses, dogs barking and eerie winds are no longer innocent sounds but instead something dark and frightening. An ear perk up to listen, and many thoughts go through our heads. We may imagine that these are not the sounds of the house settling but are actually the sounds of someone crawling across roof.

Something inherit about darkness scares our imaginations make up for the lack of ability to see through shadows, but unfortunately, this can have some negative effects on our health. A study that was presented at the Associated Professional Sleep Societies in Boston found that nearly half of those tested suffered from poor sleep as well as night-time fears. Undiagnosed and untreated nyctophobia could be preventing you from getting a good night’s sleep as well.

If you suffer from night fears, you may know that its all mental, but that doesn’t necessarily make it easier to conquer. A nightlight or bedside lamp can help ease your discomfort. When the mind turns the sound of a nearby barking dog into a Baskerville hound, we can send those worries scurrying by laughing at our own over active imagination.

Knowing that this is modern day and we don't have to worry about lion attacks or real monsters can help ease the worries, but knowing that in darkest nights there is always a moon may not be enough to silence those fears. If your fears don’t seem to let up with lifestyle changes and conservative measures, you may need to talk to your doctor about cognitive behavioral therapy or other treatment options that can help you conquer your fears and get the sleep you need.

Epilepsy Awareness

On March 26, 2015, the world was awash in purple. Every continent, including Antarctica, participated in this special event. Purple Day is designed to improve epilepsy education, dispel common myths and provide support for those with the condition. It all began in 2008 when a young girl named Cassidy Morgan was motivated to create Purple Day by her own struggles with seizures. Her idea inspired many, and today, Purple Day is a global event that is marked by events around the world. Public and private schools, businesses, organizations and even celebrities get involved in 5ks and other events designed to boost educational efforts and gather donations for research into better treatments.

Epilepsy is a condition that causes seizures when the brain’s nerve cells malfunction and send out the wrong signals. It affects between 200,000 and 300,000 Americans and can be caused by a variety of factors, including abnormal brain development, illness and brain injuries. During an epileptic seizure, a person may experience abnormal feelings, lose consciousness and have violent muscle spasms. Brain scans and other tests may be used for an accurate diagnosis. While there is not yet a cure, treatments are available that can control the frequency and intensity of the seizures and manage overall health. Special diets, medications, surgery and implanted devices may all be helpful. Online programs and apps are also available and can help you track medication use, lifestyle habits, stress, sleeping habits and other possible triggers.

Unfortunately in our society, many myths surround this common health condition. One of the goals of Purple Day and other educational events is to combat these myths. Seizure disorders are not mental illnesses, and those who suffer from them are not less intelligent or less capable than other people. We also cannot necessarily predict when a seizure is about to occur although some people do have auras, or sensations that precede a seizure. A person having a seizure will not swallow his or her tongue, but he or she may bite it. Never force anything into his or her mouth because this could cause injury. Keep the person on his or her side and away from any nearby objects. Call 911 if it lasts more than a couple minutes.

While scientists have made great strides and important breakthroughs in conquering this devastating disease, we still have a long way to go towards finding a cure. Raising awareness and promoting research can help us reach that goal.

Tackling Antibiotic Resistance

The White House has released a plan to tackle antibiotic-resistant bacteria. This is the first and the boldest move of its kind by any administration, according to some analysts, and was created in response to the so-called superbugs that could devastate our current medical system. Drug resistance is a natural evolutionary process. Bacteria must adapt in order to flourish in spite of drugs designed to kill them, but the overuse of antibiotics is speeding the process. As more drug-resistant bacteria appear, we face new challenges that could undermine many medical advances and render our drugs useless in the near future.

Some health experts have put the looming crisis on the same threat level as that of terrorism, which is why the president has asked that the 2016 budget be doubled to help prevent and combat antibiotic resistance. The most common superbug infections include Clostridium difficile, MRSA and hospital-acquired Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae. Conventional medications do not work against these strains, which can cause severe illness and death in many cases.

According to the new plan, a dozen federal agencies will work together to draft ways to limit our use of antibiotics, support clinical trials to develop new solutions, better track and understand the resistant strains and slow the emergence of new superbugs. They will also be tasked with developing rapid diagnostics that enable medical professionals with differentiating viruses from bacteria for more effective, targeted treatments.

The goal is to reduce overuse in outpatients by 50 percent and in inpatients by 20 percent, which will be accomplished by tracking use in hospitals, cracking down on unnecessary medication use and offering incentives and awards for those meeting the goals. Although 80 percent of the problem drugs are currently used in livestock raised for food, the planned measures will not address animals.

The FDA has already issued guidelines that we can follow to help overcome this problem. If you have been prescribed an antibiotic, take it as recommended, do not skip doses and complete the entire course as recommended. Do not save them and reuse them or offer them to anyone else. Together we can take steps to protect the health of our children and future society.

Kidney Health: Another of the Many Reason To Get Your Water In Daily

We may not think about them often, but we need our kidneys to stay healthy. These fist-sized, bean-shaped organs are nestled beneath your diaphragm and in your lower back, and they maintain water homeostasis. Every day, about 40 gallons of fluids can pass through your kidneys, and the thousands of nephrons, or tiny filters, they contain sift through the fluid to remove harmful wastes and excess water and nutrients before siphoning it into the bladder. Kidneys also produce hormones that activate vitamin D, control blood pressure and help make red blood cells. Maintaining our necessary water intake to flush out toxins out can be one of the best ways you can take care of your kidneys.

About 10 percent of American adults have some kidney damage, and this can result in water retention, toxin buildup and poor plasma ultrafiltration. Nephrons can become damaged and less able to filter body fluids properly. Over time, the nephrons become more impaired, leading to chronic kidney disease, or CKD. Many people have no symptoms until they have lost as much as 75 percent of their kidney function, which is why regular screening is so important.

Keeping your kidneys healthy does not require much more than a healthy lifestyle. Maintain healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels, take medications only as prescribed, stop smoking, limit your salt intake to less than 2,300 mg. a day, limit your alcohol intake and eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. Perhaps most importantly, drink more water.

Several studies have linked proper fluid intake prevention of kidney stones and long-term kidney damage. Extra water can help flush toxins, excess sodium and urea from your body and allow you to safely excrete them. Research has found that people who drink about three liters of water a day have a significantly lower risk of CKD and are less likely to have declines in overall kidney function. Adequate water intake may also help to prevent development and growth of cysts.

You don’t have to load up on fluids, which can have unwanted health effects, but the research underscores the importance of keeping well-hydrated. Eight glasses of water a day is often recommended and can be a great starting point.