Showing posts with label bug bites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bug bites. Show all posts

Top Five Reasons Mosquitos Love to Bite You

Do you ever feel as if mosquitos just love you for some reason? Well scientists say this is due to much more than paranoia. Some people are naturally more appealing to mosquitos because of the chemicals and odors they secrete. Here is why you might be a favorite for feasting mosquitoes:

1. You’re sweating
You may be one of those hard core runners, who runs no matter how hot it is outside. Well beware of the bugs. The lactic acid that is released when you sweat attracts hungry mosquitos. When you sweat a lot during intense exercise, your rising body temperature is also attractive to mosquitos looking for a warm host. It is best to work out indoors during hot, buggy days.

2. You’ve got a bun in the oven
That’s right. If you’re pregnant, the mosquitos just can’t get enough of you. Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide. The female ones, the ones that bite us, even have specific receptors that help them discover the gas around them. When you are pregnant, especially in the final trimester, you exhale about 21% more carbon dioxide then the rest of us. That is why pregnant women experience about twice as many bug bites on average. Researchers believe that pregnant women may also release certain odors that are pleasing to insects, drawing them closer. Make sure to wear your bug repellent this summer.

3. You are drinking an iced cold beer
Beer is tasty to mosquitos and humans. In fact, studies in West Africa and Japan show that people who drank beer rather than water were much more attractive to mosquitoes. Make sure to protect against bites at those outdoor sporting events and concerts this summer.

4. You have the right kind of blood
That’s right, blood-sucking mosquitoes have a preference when it comes to blood type, and unfortunately for people with type O, it’s you. Apparently type O blood may have a certain odor that is particularly pleasing to a hungry mosquito, and you are her number one landing preference.

5. You have that special something
Studies that include identical twins have shown that certain genetic make-up can cause you to be more susceptible to bug bites. Some people naturally repel mosquitos because of their genes, while others might actually attract bugs just by being who they are, genetically.

The best way to avoid those pesky bites is to cover up. Wear long-sleeved clothing and apply bug spray that includes DEET to your exposed skin and over your clothes.