Informed Choice at Restaurants

Many people overeat simply because they don't know they are doing it. They may not be informed about how many calories they are consuming. This lack of information and inability to make informed choices definitely has contributed to the issue of obesity in our society. Most of the foods we buy at the grocery are labeled so that we know exactly what we're ingesting. And due to new laws, restaurants are now required to label their foods so that consumers know exactly how many nutrients are in their favorite dishes.

The obesity problem doesn't just stem from not knowing what's in our food (such as sugar, fat, and sodium content,) but it also stems from not making good choices. This means that many people will choose processed foods over fresh foods, especially if they are basing their decision on ease of cooking rather than how good it actually is for them. But seeing those numbers listed on the menu might help sway people to make better choices. And since being informed is the best way to make the best decisions for your health, it certainly makes sense to list calorie counts on menus.

We know that the amount of calories in a dish isn't the only way to judge whether or not it's good or bad. Other nutrient information will also be listed. Restaurants will have to add carbohydrates, fats, cholesterol, sugars, and proteins. They will have to include this information in writing so that consumers know exactly what they are getting when they order their favorite dishes. And another thing consumers will need to keep in mind is that these guidelines are based on a 2000 calorie daily diet. Not everyone follows that standard number, so the amounts may need adjusted for those who have special needs or require lower calorie loads.

Getting healthy is a process. Making smart decisions about the food you eat and getting the right amount of exercise are two of the best ways to improve your energy levels and overall health. Knowing how are dishes are cooked and how that affects your health is important.