Anxiety Occurring Frequently

If you are one of the millions of people who experience anxiety, you should know that you are not alone. According to the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, approximately 18% of U.S population struggles with this condition. It is very real and can be extremely uncomfortable. It can range from mild symptoms of generalized unease to completely debilitating symptoms that can interfere with daily life.

There are a multitude of reasons that people have anxiety about. Some of those include things such as children s education costs and how they are going to pay for college, mortgage or other financial woes, fear of joblessness, problems with a spouse - the list goes on and on. Fear of failure and fear that any success they may have will be taken away are two more common themes. Some people just have feelings of impeding doom and aren't sure why but know that it affects them to the point that their lives are being affected in a negative way.

Unfortunately, one of the ways this doom plays itself out is during panic attacks. Some times there is a specific reason for these attacks, other times there may be no apparent reason. The panic feelings may lead to symptoms such as a pounding heart or rapid heart rate, fear of losing control, lightheadedness, and nausea. Some people also start sweating profusely or have hot or cold flashes.

If you suffer from anxiety attacks and are worried for your mental health, rest assured that there is help available. This is true even if you have them on a regular basis. One of the options might be to avoid certain social situations that you know might be triggers, or at the very least try to figure out what causes the trigger to occur. Other ways to overcome this type of disorder is to speak with your doctor about it. Treatments such as medications known as beta-blockers. They can help control some of the symptoms of an anxiety attack. Some of them have side effects that may affect your ability to drive, or make you drowsy, so it may take a few changes to get the medications that will work for you. Be patient and don't worry, the process may take some time.

Trying to mask the problem by not seeking treatment is unhealthy. You may need support in the form of psychotherapy. Doing so may help you get to the root cause of the problem, something that might be able to eliminate the negative feelings altogether.