Maintaining Your Car

Maintaining your car is a responsibility that shouldn't be overlooked. After all, the your safety, the safety of your passengers, as well as other drivers on the road is something that should be a top priority. It can help you avoid a car accident or keep you from getting stranded on the side of the road. There are some basic steps that should be taken that are both simple yet very effective.

Getting (and keeping) your car weather ready is a good first step. This means making sure you have the proper tires and other equipment. For example, do you live in an area that gets inches and inches of snow throughout the winter months? You might need to invest in some type of snow tires or chains to minimize your risk of sliding on the road or getting into an accident.

Other common items that need regular maintenance include window wipers and regular oil changes. Not getting your oil changed can wreak serious havoc on your engine. Get your brakes checked regularly and replace them as needed. Transmission maintenance is another smart option, because regular checks in that area can help you avoid long term costs down the road. Also, keep your mirrors in top condition. Don't drive with cracked or missing mirrors that don't allow you to see the road and other cars around you. By doing regular car maintenance you are doing your part by keeping everyone else safe on the road.

Following the speed limit and other rules of the road go a long way toward helping you be the best driver possible. Know your limits - don't be a distracted driver. Put the phone down while behind the wheel and keep your eyes on the road. If you need to wear glasses to see better, do so. This is especially important at night or in rainy conditions when visibility is poor already. And of course, buckle up. Make everyone else in the vehicle do the same. Statistics show that the amount of serious injuries and death decreases as seat belt usage increases. Following these simple safety guidelines can help you as you navigate the roads.