Early Childhood Obesity

Early childhood obesity is an epidemic in the United States. It can lead to a number of illnesses and health complications including high blood pressure, joint problems, breathing issues and diabetes. The results of a recent study have found that children who are overweight in kindergarten are more likely to become obese in the 8th grade. The findings also emphasize that building good eating and exercise habits should start as early as possible. After all, there's no going back. And learning good habits to begin with is easier than breaking bad ones, especially regarding food and exercise.

Researchers have found that a child who is overweight and has established early tendencies toward weight gain often stayed overweight through elementary school and junior high. They looked at a number of different factors during the study, including socio-economic backgrounds, sex, and birth weight. What they found is that people in lower income brackets often had a higher incidence of unhealthy habits - and weighed more than people in higher income (and educational brackets).

There are ways to fight off the unhealthy epidemic and turn things around. One of them is for parents to become more informed about nutrition. As role models, parents often set examples for their children. Kids mimic what they see. If parents eat junk food, the children are more likely to do so as well. It stands to reason that if they see healthy choices being made, they will also make those same choices. For that reason, try to stock the refrigerator and pantry with fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables. Avoid foods high in fat and try to stay away from items with a lot of preservatives. Read labels - if you can't pronounce what's in them, do you really want to eat that?

It is up to the older generation to teach the younger generation about diet and physical activity. We need to lead by example. This means getting up off the couch and doing some form of physical activity on a regular basis. Go for walks with your children. Take them to the park, go for bike rides. Encourage them to play sports - and think about what you can do to get into better shape. It can be an extremely rewarding experience and will help both you and your child to decrease the chances of becoming obese.