
Burns are labeled in three major classifications, such as first degree, second degree and third degree. Examples of a first degree burn is what people may get after spending time in the sun, especially without wearing sunscreen. The skin is usually red and it also may be painful or sensitive to the touch. The sun's rays are very strong and a sunburn can happen in a very short time or even on cloudy days. That's why wearing sunscreen is always a good idea - especially for babies and children so that permanent damage doesn't occur. Treatment for this level includes aloe and a cool water compress.

A second degree burn affects the top layer as well as the second layer of the skin. These are often painful and red. They will often lead to blistering. Unfortunately, the incidence for infection is higher. There is usually significant pain and swelling to the affected area. It is often a good idea to get to the doctors office or the hospital for these types of cases to make sure the damage hasn't penetrated to the lower levels and to ensure proper treatment. This is particularly true if the groin, face, hands, or feet are affected. These areas may have a longer healing time.

The most serious level is a third degree burn. These are extremely severe and are usually the result of fire. These affect all the dermal layers and often affect the sensory and nervous system. The affected areas are usually never the same due to scar tissue forming. They generally require extensive treatment in the hospital, especially to keep infection from occurring.

One of the most common rooms in the house where burns occur is the kitchen. There are always safety and prevention measures that should be exercised, especially while cooking and while there are children around. Never leave pots and pans unattended, always use care when handling hot dishes, and always pay attention to children. Another good idea for every family is to practice fire drills and what to do in the event of an emergency. Doing so can help save a life as well as minimize the risk of many other injuries, including burns.