3 Myths about Your Health

It is important to understand what you need to do in order to stay healthy. However, separating health myths from facts can be challenging, and it is just as important to understand what health information is out there that is misleading. Here are three health myths that can actually be detrimental in some cases. 

Vitamin supplements are the answer

Like all three of the myths listed here, there is some truth to this one. Vitamin supplements can be critical for people who have certain shortages such as vitamin D and vitamin B-12, and your doctor may responsibly prescribe specific vitamins or a multivitamin. However, the danger arises when people begin to believe that vitamins can be a replacement for eating healthily and become overly reliant on supplements. Furthermore, overuse of some vitamins can be dangerous.

Most experts agree that for people who eat a healthy diet, a daily multivitamin is not necessary. Unfortunately, many people fail to eat a balanced diet. The problem is that the science is still unclear about how well the body absorbs nutrients from multivitamins versus food. Furthermore, when vitamins are obtained through food, other nutrients accompany them as well such as fiber. 

The supplement market is not well-regulated, so it can be difficult to know what you are actually putting into your body. Furthermore, megadoses of vitamins can be harmful with consequences ranges from an upset stomach to liver problems and more. You should follow your doctors' instructions regarding vitamin supplements. 

Other sweeteners are superior to sugar

As with vitamins, this myth has its origins in truth. Sugar is not particularly good for you. However, some people believe that sugar in other forms, such as honey or brown sugar, is less unhealthy than processed white sugar. This simply is not the case. The body responds to all of these sugars in the same way.

There are also a number of myths about the dangers of sugar. You may have heard that sugar is as addictive as heroin, but all scientists really know is that sugar stimulates the pleasure centers of the brain just as many activities do. There is little research to support the idea that sugar makes children more hyperactive.

Some people may choose artificial sweeteners over sugar. The main advantage of these sweeteners is that they may aid in weight loss. In general, it is best to avoid too much sugar in any form.

Organic food is healthier

Tens of thousands of studies have found no evidence that organically grown food is healthier than food that is grown conventionally. Furthermore, organic food is not even necessarily free of pesticides. Many states allow organic farmers to use so-called "organic" pesticides. This simply means that the pesticides used are made from natural rather than synthetic materials. The effects of organic pesticides have not been widely studied, so it is unclear what the health risks may be. Organic farming may be beneficial to the soil and environment in many ways, and buying organic produce may support smaller scale farmers, but being unable to afford organic food does not meaning having to eat a substandard diet. 

There is one health fact that arises from dispelling all of these myths, and it is that the best approach to a healthy lifestyle is eating a balanced diet with a variety of foods. Getting the recommended servings of vegetables and fruit daily and keeping the consumption of overly processed foods to a minimum are both key.