Feeling Younger and Living Longer

Many of us have heard the saying that “you’re only as old as you feel,” but new research indicates that it just may be truer than we ever imagined. Recent studies indicate there is a lower death rate on people who feel younger, and according to research published in JAMA’s “Internal Medicine,” people who feel younger than their chronological age may live longer than their older-feeling counterparts.

More than 6,500 men and women over the age of 52 were surveyed by researchers at the University College London. They were asked how old they felt and then evaluated eight years later to determine their current state of health. The majority of those who felt three or more years younger than their age were still alive eight years later while only three out of four of those who felt older survived. The correlation between feeling younger and living longer was strongest in those with cardiovascular problems.

According to researchers, exercise may be one of the biggest factors in feeling more youthful and maintaining health. When you exercise moderately most days of the week, you are more likely to be physically stronger and better able to tackle challenging tasks. You may even have better brain health thanks to the boost in circulation. Eating a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vegetables, fruits and whole grains while skipping added sugar and trans fats can be just as beneficial as exercise for your body and brain.

Aging is a hard thing, and we may find ourselves increasingly focusing on aches and pains, on physical limitations or on many other issues that can affect the way we feel and live. Feeling younger than your years may mean that you are more likely to pursue activities and interests that keep you young at heart. If you aren’t feeling as young as you once felt, now is the time to take control. Find ways to keep yourself active, engaged and challenged. Take a class on a topic in which you are interested, or pick up a new hobby. Socialize with new friends or visit old friends. Find a passion, and immerse yourself in it. Keeping a positive attitude, working out, finding ways to overcome limitations and actually feeling younger than you really are can make a big difference in your life.