Help Eliminate Heartburn From Your Life

Heartburn is extremely uncomfortable. It happens due to acid from your stomach backing up into your esophagus. Most people feel it directly behind their sternum. Symptoms can occur directly after eating, and it mostly gets worse at night or when laying down. In order to eliminate heartburn from your life, it's best to figure out what the initial trigger might be so that you can cut it out from your diet. In order to do this, it might be a good idea to keep a food diary for a week or two. Keep track of everything that you eat and note how you feel afterwards. After a week or two, you will probably see a pattern and figure out what the culprit is.

Many people complain of heartburn after eating certain types of foods. For that reason, it makes sense to avoid spicy foods - or at least avoid the ones that you know will make you uncomfortable later. Also, avoid laying down for at least a few hours after a meal. Eating smaller meals more often might also help. Another common culprit is coffee. You may need to limit the amount your drink or switch to tea to get your caffeine fix. Another way to avoid feeling the burn of those digestive enzymes in your esophagus is to chew gum directly after a meal. There have been studies that have shown that chewing gum after a meal can help lower acid levels.

Although there are a number of over the counter and prescription remedies for heartburn, many of them unfortunately produce other unwanted side effects. However, there are natural remedies that work just as well (without the high cost or unwanted side effects). Examples include black licorice, drinking a solution of baking soda and water, aloe juice, and an herb known as slippery elm bark. Slippery elm bark can be found in tablet form or in powder form and some people find that making a tea out of it helps their digestive tract stay relatively calm. Another consideration is how fast you eat. Try to eat slowly, chewing each bite completely before filling your fork again. This will help keep your digestive enzymes from working overtime. The important thing to remember about heartburn is that it is temporary - and with just a few dietary changes you can get rid of it completely.