4 Quick Fitness and Nutrition Hacks

When it comes to working out and eating healthily, whether you want to tone up for an upcoming vacation, or lose a little fat, it can be difficult to know what exactly you should be doing to get the best results. Here are a few easy fitness and nutrition hacks that you can use to make sure that you get the most out of working out and eating healthy.

1. Strength Training

If you want to get stronger and tone up quickly, and vastly improve your heath, then strength training is one of the best options. Whether it’s the barbell, kettlebells, or even a sandbag, using weights to train boosts your strength, builds muscle, strengthens your bones and it also increases your metabolic rate. This is because when you strength train, you build more muscle and people with more muscles burn more calories, even at rest, than others.

2. Make sure you’re getting Enough Carbs

Over the past couple of decades, low carb diets have become incredibly popular. People see them as a quick-fix way to lose weight. But, whether it’s the Atkins diet or the Paleo diet, low carb diets aren’t good for your health.

From mood swings to constipation, low carb diets cause a whole range of health problems and they can impair your performance in the gym. Carbs are your body’s main source of energy, so if you want to get the most out of your workouts, you need definitely need them.
Make sure that you choose unrefined carbs and whole grains, like whole-wheat pasta and oats, rather than refined carbohydrates like white bread and white pasta.

3. Drink more Water

It’s common for people to mistake feelings of thirst for feelings of hunger. This leads to people eating more than they should, but not getting enough fluids. Drinking plenty of water ensures your body is healthy and energized. So, make sure that you are getting enough of it.

To get a rough estimate of how much water you should be drinking each day, take your weight in pounds and half it and that is the number, in fluid ounces that you should be drinking. For example, a person that weighs 170 pounds would need to drink 85 fluid ounces of water per day

4. Workouts don’t need to be Long

Often, people are put off of the idea of working out, because they feel like they don’t have enough time. But, a good, effective workout doesn’t have to take long, especially if you are doing the right types of exercises. A quick, 20 minute workout that includes lots of full-body exercises, like squats and deadlifts is an effective, but quick way to get in shape.

So, make sure that you use these quick and easy tips to get more out of your workouts.