You may be surprised to find out that the extra cheese and greasy sausage may not be the most unhealthy parts of your pizza. Scientists are warning that the chemicals used to make pizza boxes resistant to grease may be far more dangerous. Polyfluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl, which are also called PFAs, are a special class of chemical that prevents soaking of grease and water. They are used in thousands of products including waxed paper, carpet cleaner, footwear, electronics, tents, sleeping bags and fire extinguishers. While the companies that manufacturer poly fluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl insist that these items are safe, researchers disagree.
More than 200 scientists from around the world, including toxicologists and environmental health experts, signed a statement requesting that the production and use of PFASs be limited. Traces of PFASs can be found in the bloodstream for many years, and even though manufacturers have been increasingly relying on supposedly safer options, the older classes are still being found in people’s systems and have been linked to major health problems, including kidney cancer and thyroid disease. Newer classes may have just as many questionable properties, including one version that has been linked to liver damage, skin irritation and eye irritation.
In many cases, poly fluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl are found primarily in industrial applications, but as they become more prevalent in the environment, we can all be exposed as they leach into dust, soil and groundwater and eventually into food and drinking water. While supporting legislation to impose tighter controls on poly fluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl is perhaps the most important way to reduce the risk of exposure for not only current but also future generations, you can reduce your exposure through prevention.
Start by reading labels. If the product is manufactured with these compounds or contains them, simply do not purchase the product. This may include items that are non-stick, waterproof or stain-resistant, including carpet cleaners, upholstery cleaners and fabric treatments. Skip the delivery pizza and other processed foods that are wrapped in greaseproof or waxy papers. It may not be easy to minimize your exposure, but you can modify your lifestyle to reduce your dependence on these convenient products and make choices that are safer for you and your family.